BC1-1808 Homework, Aaron Rudderham


My homework thread for the  August 2018 Class.

Week 1: Page 3

Week 2: Page 9

  • Julian B(bsdwerbeagentur) replied

    thecabbagedetective It looks good so far to me. Have you tought about using a smoothed cube instead of a sphere?

    You get the same result with the Subsurf modifier and not the weird effect on top/bottom caused by the triangles. Also I think it might be a lot easier to create the inset on top of his head this way. Just a thought. 🤔

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    bbsdwerbeagentur nice that's a smart solution, looks like the right shape too 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    @smurfmier1985 silentheart00 bbsdwerbeagentur Cheers guys, decided to take a piece of all of your advice and stitch them together. Think this looks better?

  • silentheart00 replied

    thecabbagedetective Yeah, something like that.  You could then shift some edge loops around to get that more gradual spherical shape.

  • Andres Altuve(aaltuvem) replied

    thecabbagedetective it looks great, how did you hold the edges  in the center like that? Can you share a wireframe? 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    aaaltuvem You mean the zig-zag part?

  • Andres Altuve(aaltuvem) replied
  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    aaaltuvem The knife tool mostly. Once I cut out the shape I wanted I extruded inwards slightly and then scaled the top part a tad. Fair warning the topology is very garish, but when I'm done for the day I'll post a wireframe. And thanks! Forgot to mention that.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Don't suppose someone has any tips as to how to shrinkwrap an object whilst keeping its original shape as much as possile? Trying to make the eyes with circles and keep getting an oval.

    EDIT: Scratch that, I got it, though tips would still be nice just in case!

  • Mahir Tasin(mahir07) replied

    thecabbagedetective Awesome work! You are doing great! And the details look very good.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    mmahir07 You're very kind, appreciate it!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Day 3 done!

    Well that's Clank finished. Mostly. The head was definitely much more difficult then I suspected and even now something still feels a bit... off. If any of you could point it out (or tell me it's all in my head) I'd appreciate it very much. Here's a page with a lot of references. One thing I should point out though is that whilst the materials are based on the PS4 version I modeled him mostly based on the PS2 and PS3 versions. I have also noticed that one of his eyelids are a bit askew so that's something I need to fix at least.

    But I must confess, o' forgive me father for I have sinned, in my blinded quest for improvement I decided to... texture paint...

    In all seriousness though I did do it a bit, to get the lighter colour in the middle of his eyes and the fusion of the antenna's stalk (?) and bulb. If that's considered too much for the final piece of homework just say and I'll remove it.

    Not sure if I'm gonna be able to make the scene I wanted now, but depending on how much work I get done in the next few days I might reserve that for Week 4 if I still have plenty of work to do (therefore hopefully not negatively affecting the grade for that week *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*), just that I'm studying Maths in my own time as well and my access to the website I'm learning from ends shortly so I've got to make the most of it for the next week or so.

    Another bonus akin to yesterday, here's Wednesday's work... but SPINNING.

    Have a good day or night everyone, and keep on at it!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    aaaltuvem Hopefully these offer you a bit of insight (warning: awful topology ahead):

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    thecabbagedetective You're topology doesn't look too bad! I think there are some tris you could get rid of, but overall it looks very clean 🙂

    Later when I'm at my laptop I'm going to see if I can find out what's 'off' about me clank (my first gut instinct says proportional ratio head / body, but I want to see it on my big screen instead of on my phone to be sure).

    Looks great as always Aaron, you made good progression yesterday! That round head is difficult. And I like these spinning animations 😬

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    thecabbagedetective I've put your Clank and the picture you showed us the first time next to eachother and drawn some lines to test the proportions. They don't have the exact same posture, however it's close enough to get an idea of the ratio you need. 

    I think it is indeed a bit off..  The head is pretty close, but the body is too high, it should be a bit more squarish. He's a compact little dude 😁 

    Here's the pic:

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    thecabbagedetective Also took a look at your topology, hope you don't mind and that you can read my terrible handwriting:

    I thinks that would make it all quads. Hope this is helpful!

  • Julian B(bsdwerbeagentur) replied

    thecabbagedetective Is there a possibility to blur environment maps/ HDRIs/ background images in Blender or did you use another software to do that? I only found tutorials of people using Photoshop for it. 

  • Andres Altuve(aaltuvem) replied

    thecabbagedetective  Thanks!! this has helped me a lot, I will do some tests in my model!

  • Andres Altuve(aaltuvem) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 If he removes those edges, does the sharpness in the corners stay? Thanks 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    aaaltuvem Yes, those stay. The edges I'm suggesting to change are not near the sharp beveled edges at the corners, but more in the middle, so those nice sharp edges should be fine 😊