Hi there, 👋 I'm Paul Caggegi

Instructor at CG Cookie - specializing in Grease Pencil

Check out my latest course!

Welcome to DRAW! An introduction to get you started with Grease Pencil.
Learn more about this course

My name is Paul and I have got a passion for 2D illustration, storyboarding, and comics.

My history with Blender stretches way back to dabbling with the 1.8x series. I've used Blender both professionally and for personal projects, and have a keen interest in how 3D applications can be integrated into a traditionally 2D process.

The Grease Pencil tool completely revolutionized how I work - from simple sketches, to complex storyboards and animatics, my workflow continues to evolve and grow.

If you would like to learn how to master the Grease Pencil, I have a FREE course due for release in March 2024 titled DRAW!

You can also check out my comics creation course PANELS right here on CG Cookie, which will get you started with Grease Pencil, and take you through the process of making your very own comic!

Check out MODIFY

MODIFY is a comprehensive look at Blender's main modifiers.

Each lesson covers a single modifier in depth, taking you through every setting to give you a rounded understanding of how the modifier works.

Learn more about this course

Check out PANELS

PANELS will give you a thorough education in Grease Pencil.

Throughout the Blender tutorial, you will use grease pencil to create a comic book and at the end you will have everything you need to render your work into a printable comic.

Learn more about this course

Paul Caggegi's Artist Portfolio

Personal and professional creations.

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