This thread is dedicated to the wheels and the rear axle of the backhoe project.
This is what happens to the rear axle when trying to adjust it to the front axle's rims (semitransparent green):
And the hub case would need some stretching, too:
File is here.
So, with further stretching, I could adjust the rear axle to the tires:
It's now out of proportions but I would accept it as believable.
Yeah I think it is definitely passable still. I had to do a decent major change to my assembly as well in order to angle the main loader arms to fit proportions.
Yours is a sacrifice worth making and I think it will be acceptable.ย
Thanks blanchsb for your approval ๐. I've done some further adjustments:
And with the chassis:
Some minor adjustments are still necessary here:
File will be uploaded to Google Drive probably tomorrow.
Ok, I've updated my rear axle file on Google Drive. The connection to the front has to be readjusted since I had to recenter my axle properly between the tires:
And the front rims and hubs at the rear axle have to be hidden:
So that it looks like this:
Some fineadjustment of the rims to the tires is still necessary as well as some smoothing in the areas of stretching:
One question is still remaining: Do I have to reposition the rear axle a little bit higher and more to the front in order to align it with the rotation axis of the back tires?
This would need the chassis bottom to be lifted accordingly where it is connected with the rear axle. After that, I could fineadjust my rims to the tires.
Thanks for taking the time to fine-tuned your axle duerer. I know how tedius this can be with such a complex model. Your efforts are much appreciated!
Do I have to reposition the rear axle a little bit higher and more to the front in order to align it with the rotation axis of the back tires?
I would say yes...mainly because of all the parts that need aligning on the DOG, axles to wheels is probably one of the biggest if this thing gets a proper rig one day. I'll rope in @adrian2301 regarding the chassis adjustment.
Thanks, @theluthier and @adrian2301, for your answers. I'll reposition my axle as mentioned above and do some fineadjustment in order to close the small gaps between the rims and the tires.
Ok, the rear axle is now aligned to the tires:
The new file is now on Google Drive.
The "Shrinkwrap Modifier" on the gearbox still has to be applied which I haven't done yet because it needs the "Subsurf Modifier" beeing applied first in order to work properly which isn't a good idea as long as you're still editing your mesh. As far as I can see it now, the rear axle is now complete and ready for texturing (scratches, mud, rost etc.) and rigging. Maybe the hydraulic lines still need some adjustment and "hooks" for their attachment since they're currently floating in the air, but @adrian2301, you can certainly judge this better than me.
I'd say leave it until @theluthier gives the go ahead to apply those modifiers. I'm sure we will get that direction in the next stream. Great work duererย
I've just seen Omar's proposal for an eighth livestream with the complete UV-unwrapping of every part model as assignment. This probably requires some further mesh cleanup and simplification of my rear axle. And the right setting of the seems in such a complex model as well as an effective packing of the unwrapped parts will also be a challenge. I remember Kent having demonstrated an effective packing in a single UV-map in his "Treasure Chest" course.
Ok, Kent just confirmed my fears independently in the backhoe's main thread here:ย
I feel like UVs could be a whole new can of worms.
Head cinema is starting and I suddenly feel a prickling everywhere ๐. I must memorize this expression ๐.
There're many funny expressions in the German language too like the "Butterflies in the belly" for a person having fallen in love our the "Goose skin" as a reaction to a positively moving experience which can really be seen as a physical reaction of the human skin but I nevertheless have this bird in front of my inner eye when people use this expression. "Opening a new barrel" is something similar to the "can of worms" but rather refers to mentioning something often controversal that triggers a new discussion which you rather want to avoid late in the evening or with a choleric person๐.
ย I mostly use for finding out the sense of such expressions in the English language so that I found out that spikeyxxx ย didn't think at a Spanish dish when talking about "pita" in a post ๐. I also memorized blanchsb 's TLC ๐.
@theluthier The intersections you mentioned in your backhoe livestream (part 7) are simply caused by duplicates of the front axle's hubs and rims:
These front axle parts (including the valves and the "Dog" logos) need to be hidden on my rear axle so that you get this view:
@theluthier I've a technical problem with the livestreams. When I start them, everything is running well at the beginning but later in these streams, my fan starts working intensively, the stream often pauses and everthing slows down on my computer. During yesterday's livestream #7, I opened the Windows 10 task manager and saw that my Firefox browser occupied more than 7 GB of memory and it was still growing! It sometimes even uses the GPU. @adrian2301 also posted in the livestream chat that he had technical problems which he explained with the last Windows update. I've already missed quizzes and part reviews (even of my own part) which is really sad. Do you or anyone of your team members have a solution?
There're still some slight intersections at the connections between the rear axle and the chassis which should be easy to fix without causing new intersections elsewhere: