Starting in March 2020, I began a large stream project to model a comprehensive, highly-detailed Caterpillar 434E backhoe. Please watch the first stream (first 3 minutes of abridged version at least) for an overview.
It's a straight-forward project of building a complex model over an extended period of time. The spin on the project is that I want your help to accomplish it! If I build some parts and you build some parts, we will finish this thing much quicker. Plus the contribution format will include reviews, the potential of having your piece(s) assimilated into the final model. Not to mention large quantities of XP are at stake 🤑
NOTE: This is an involved project reserved for Citizen members.
The general idea is that I kickoff stages of the project via live stream, which is typically once per month. For the time in between streams, you choose a piece of the backhoe and apply what you learned from the stream to that piece. For example, the first stream covered initial block out. So between stream 1 and stream 2, your job is to pick a piece and block it out.
This is the repeating protocol for each Assignment Period (between-streams):
I will reply to this thread after each stream with a [big] assignment post denoted by a 📣 emoji in the title. There I will clarify instructions about each Assignment Period.
We will centralize our collaborative communication between the streams and this thread. Ask any and all questions pertaining to the Backhoe project here.
blanchsb sorry if it came across wrong but I hadn't thought you implied anything, I am happy to make adjustments as and when. Not having any clear images of the chassis, I am modelling the chassis based on other parts and the images only as a guide. Now we are all on a more detailing stage the process is getting easier for me. With the next update of the main file from @theluthier this week I will be able to move the location of the holes slightly to match your parts. The engineer-in-you would probably agree that if we had detailed drawings with measurements like circumferences of a hole or the precise location of said hole. I hope this clears that up, I was assuming everything was all aligned perfectly. Now I understand the 'stretching' issue we can hopefully overcome this by moving the holes to line up.
@adrian2301 to be honest I feel like it would be my job to line my parts up to your chassis since my parts are quite movable. Leave yours where they are and I'll make the fix for the next submission round. It is really a fine and challenging exercise for me. I'm not complaining at all because I am learning sooo much that I wouldn't on my own. This team interaction is quite fun.
Maybe ppfbourassa would need to line his part up to mine since the bucket sits at the end and relies on the arms for movement.
I think this makes the most sense to me.
I'm getting excited for the stream today. Going to hop on the waiting room now if it lets me.
Yeah, I tried to keep my holes flexible. They are all cut into flat sheets, so it's easier to slide around than yours where the whole piece kind of revolves around the holes.
Hi Kent,
I want to model Wheel and Cab, but in the google sheet, it seems that there are already three contributors for those parts.
I can take another part also. Please let me know once you have update the sheet for assignment #3.
@theluthier I wanted to re-emphasize that I appreciated watching you struggle through some of the modeling fixes and creations. I find it very important to watch troubleshooting in action. I'm sure there are people watching the recordings that don't share my opinion, but for me it is Essential Training.
I tried recreating your Boolean Approach on the Zerk (grease port) fitting after the live stream and was able to recreate 30% from memory before hitting a wall haha. Looking forward to the archive of the live stream so I can see what I forgot.
P.S. Forum page 5 Unlocked!!!
blanchsb I totally agree with you, that the model fixing techniques @theluthier showed are very helpfull. My idea in the livestream chat was, to present these techniques additionally to the livestream recording as an excerpt video so that people who want to jump directly into that don't need to search for these demonstrations in the livestream recording.
PS: You just opened page 5 😀🏆🥇
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. OR if it is too much work, perhaps just have the comment regarding the time stamp for each topic being worked on. I also need to go back and watch Spikey's grading review. I had to walk away to take care of something and came back and he had moved on.
There should be a CG Cookie Badge for unlocking the 5th forum page called "Cookie Chatter" or "And that's how the Cookie Crumbles"
I suppose I posted my last comment at the wrong place. But this thread is very easy to get lost. Thanks a lot for the great stream Kent! As I wrote in the last comment. I would like to try for the Wheel and Cab. But when I saw google sheet there are already three person allotted for both of the part. Is it kind of limit per part or should I go for other part ?
Now we are talking Ingmar!
P.S. But this is community effort. The Pound deserves the trophy. I made one at the top to celebrate such an active forum. Sure it is hard to navigate,........but it's not stopping us muahhaha.
I wanted to re-emphasize that I appreciated watching you struggle through some of the modeling fixes and creations...for me it is Essential Training...I totally agree with you, that the model fixing techniqes showed are very helpful.
Thank you blanchsb duerer! You're the real ones 🤝
perhaps just have the comment regarding the time stamp for each topic
We're on the same page about this! I just uploaded the recording to wistia (our video hosting service) and they have an option for chapter organization. I'll add chapters for easier navigation.
when I saw google sheet there are already three person allotted for both of the part. Is it kind of limit per part or should I go for other part ?
rryzen7 my apologies, I will make sure to keep at least one blank slot per part in the google sheet. There's no limit to number of people working on the same piece.
And yes, this thread is increasingly difficult to follow. I'm going to post the Assignment 3 prompt today with info about maintaining individual threads per artist. That should make communication easier to navigate/follow.
I enjoy the whole process, trouble shooting and all. Making mistakes and how to correct them, Not just start over....Ive done that alot lol
As for me, Im only working on the frame window and roof, it looked easy but all the parts etc. and the inside...
I like the "raw and real" approach of the livestreams as well, it complements recorded tutorials. I see it like in The Titanic, recorded lessons are like First Class, nifty, classy, sophisticated, but kinda fake... Livestreams are like Jack stealing Rose for a fun party with the people down below.
@theluthier do you realise you added part 4 of the collaboration the same day as @jlampel Creating an Epic Summer Render stream.