Starting in March 2020, I began a large stream project to model a comprehensive, highly-detailed Caterpillar 434E backhoe. Please watch the first stream (first 3 minutes of abridged version at least) for an overview.
It's a straight-forward project of building a complex model over an extended period of time. The spin on the project is that I want your help to accomplish it! If I build some parts and you build some parts, we will finish this thing much quicker. Plus the contribution format will include reviews, the potential of having your piece(s) assimilated into the final model. Not to mention large quantities of XP are at stake 🤑
NOTE: This is an involved project reserved for Citizen members.
The general idea is that I kickoff stages of the project via live stream, which is typically once per month. For the time in between streams, you choose a piece of the backhoe and apply what you learned from the stream to that piece. For example, the first stream covered initial block out. So between stream 1 and stream 2, your job is to pick a piece and block it out.
This is the repeating protocol for each Assignment Period (between-streams):
I will reply to this thread after each stream with a [big] assignment post denoted by a 📣 emoji in the title. There I will clarify instructions about each Assignment Period.
We will centralize our collaborative communication between the streams and this thread. Ask any and all questions pertaining to the Backhoe project here.
Hey team, I'm grading submissions today and prepping for tomorrow's stream. However for the first time in this project Google is throwing me a "request access" prompt for 4 .blend files. Since I've never experienced this before I'm wondering if it's an issue on Google's part. But if these contributors could double-check the permissions on their file that'd be a big help:
I've heard that happens right before you're about to get banned from Blender for life.
I am proud to add Kent to my "Corner Office of Motivation!". I am now ready for tomorrow's live stream.
Let the gauntlet begin.....
....... LINK TO THE FILE if anyone wants it for an animation ( Ppfbourassa ) or for some extra points or anyone else that can spot the missing pieces and fill them in. ( @thepound ), we should have that for a group chat thingy.
@adrian2301 Your file link says access denied
Crap it just did it for Adrian's file for me too. This must be a google thing.
I like the more dramatic approach... you guys need to get this fixed now! Blender is program to go for the ban hammer otherwise. Come on! lets go! we're watching you fall into the abyss and we can't do anything but watch.
I believe I approved both requests Kent @theluthier . Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll upload to another file service like dropbox. I reopened a comment on google sheets so it is no longer resolved.
Grab some piece parts on the engine @ritag @adrian2301 has plenty to share haha.
Surely a Google thing, Normally when you 'get shareable link' it automatically changes to "anyone with the link can view"😣
back from the abyss 😌
@ritag if you really want a challenge, go for the interior of the cab...(spoiler: extremely hard!)