BC4-1810 - Homework, Yukino Hatake


My homework thread for the  October 2018 Class.

bathroom week 4

Week 1

Toy Truck New look (freshly buyed )

Toy Truck dirty + old

i did have changed like in the wheel and some slight collor diffrence but i lost the first file somehow .

File Of toy truck finished state
toy truck finished

What i learned 
-learned how to use HDRI. change intensity , rotate the world.
-learned about the diffrent kind of lamps(point lamp, sun, etc and when to use them best .
-learned about the intensity how to increase size and how this effects the scene. and how to change the collors to the lamps.
-learned how to render with higher result . (more samples) and noticed that filmic and default settings give difrent light effects.
-learned how to add collors and how to connect diffrent nodes with each other(still dont know much about nodes what and when to use or how to organize them but i am still practicing :) )
-Learned how to make someting more plastic or more metalic
-learned how to make brushed metal
-learned how to add scratches dirt and dust (trough i still wonder why some spaces arent covered with dirt (like in the yellow its good visible where there is and not )

So overall this week was so fun . difficult but then again everyting new at first is kinda difficult .
The most important thing is i learned so much and that while having fun with it .

WEEK 2 Homework 

car shading and lighting 

late afternoon /evening when the sun is going under

At full night with lamps to showcase the model

Lightning match


Week 3

Lightning match
goal (the goblin itself



  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Lightning match 

    goal the goblin itself 


  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Question when i take shift+ D to duplicate an object(in this case the lamp) how or where do i link them together in 2.8 ?

    another question in 2.8 where do i find filmic ?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    yyukinoh1989 Really nice job on the goblin light match! I keep having to double-take to tell which is mine and which is yours 😅 A from me.

    I can't say much about your pumpkin since it's for the contest and I'm a judge. But I will say that the rim is nice and the pumpkin is way too thin at the moment. In terms of shading and lighting I give you a A also.

    Here's where you can find the linked duplicate option:

    Also you can use the hotkey ALT + D

    And the location of the Filmic settings:

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @theluthier Thank you for showing my questions :D .
    i am glad you like the goblin . that is why i kept him for the lightning match (was fun to try that out ) 

    as for the pumpkin i hope i can ask questions on how to make it better ?
    thecabbagedetective also mentioned that but i forgot to repost the problem .
    i aplyed the subsurf modifier and shrinkwrap modifier and afterwards tryed an solidify modifier agian but somehow i keep having strange artifacts if i do that . and i dont know how to fix that with my pumpkin

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    first WIP . tryed to mess with the lightning . i still do wonder if i should change the angle of the sun so the lightning is more on the floor instead on the (closet of badroom ? i dont know the correct word)
    also this night i managed to find a way to increase the thickness of the pumpkin. still working on both.
    trough today i had lesser good news. so i hope i can still finish my works.
    at work i had to go home since i felt really bad . after the doctor came she came to the conclusion that i have a burn out. last weeks i been feeling really terrible emotional and had a lot of pain in my body . As well the pain in my head increased and so did my heartrate and bloodpressure. so i will be home for a while but i am forbidden to learn any more in the next 2 weeks (at least not like i did before. )
    as for my work they will have to miss me some time since my doctor doesnt want me to go there now in this situation since that is the biggest cause. Its also possible that i will have to do someting else later there at my work but she said that where worry's for later . As for now i first need to get back better and take a lot of rest.
    So in short today and the next 2 days i may no longer spend time onto my computer and need to rest. But sunday i will try to work a bit on it for 1 hour and ill see where i get .

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Sorry you're not feeling well.  Hope you feel better soon!!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Get well soon fam, I'll catch you around when you get back.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective thanks. I still try to do the homework but it feels like I don't know anymore what i am doing. Like adding a different material to the lamp cap I needed 2 days before I could figure out again how to do this. Just like my brain doesn't want to work anymore. I'll see if I can somehow add some more materials and adjust the lights. 

    Kinda hope kent would not mind grade me later on it not to give exp but just the feedback. 

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Yukino!! These exlamation marks just trying to send the reminder, that health is the first. Everything comes after, including also Blender :-) Hopefully you will get better soon.

    Anyway I think it is interesting to see the bathroom scene without materials, it also teaches how only the lights operate

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 your health is much more important, so first focus on getting better. There will be plenty of other classes next year when you're back on your feet 👍🏻

    Beterschap gewenst! 

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    csehz Thank you . and that is true trough i sometimes keep ignoring that . for now most of the time i sleep (it just feels like i could sleep all day and night) but thats not the thing to do eighter . i also hope ill be feeling better soon and then ill continue but taking things diffrently . learning 3 things at the same time was way too much and that is someting i have to keep in mind .
    I am also glad you like the bathroom without the materials. it reminds me of our exersice with the bedroom.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 thanks a lot . i sure will do my best to recover as soon as i can. i sure did learned a lot again this class . trough at this moment its like i forgot everything it should come back once i recovered . at least i hope the doctor is right on that . really dont want to forget everything i learned . i do still plan to finish the badroom scene and in the meantime i can slowly think about what i would love to make in the future etc. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Please get your rest and recover @yukino1989. Sorry to hear about your burnout and how its affecting your health. You've done a lot of great work this month - be proud of that and take it easy. We'll be thinking of you!

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    yyukinoh1989 I'd say that crunchy work is really bad for your health, but that sounds a bit hypocritical from a man, that worked till 5am two days in a row... You still did a bunch of good work during the class, so no reason to be upset for sure! Get well!

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @theluthier thanks a lot Kent. I sure will take some good rest. And I hope to be back in action as soon as possible but like you guys said this time I first have to recover well 

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    nekronavt thank you. I sure will. And I know that feeling pretty good having nights with 2 or 3 hours sleep isnt good.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    yyukinoh1989 My dude, you've learnt infinitely more than me than when I was at your level of experience. Work - like many other things - is bound by the law of diminishing returns. You might be putting in tonnes of hours, yes, but you'll be more fatigued and less enthusiastic, so you won't learn as much. What amount to pretty pixels on a screen isn't worth your mental or physical health, so don't put it ahead of them. I look forward to hearing from you once you've properly rested and have recharged. Have a nice relaxation period, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon!

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    does anyone know why i keep having this black spot in my gold material ?

    I cannot get rid of it . if i turn up roughness its lesser dormant but ya gold should shine so thats not what i am looking for .
    and as it is now i think its not really realistic with that black in it

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    still WIP but wanted to share what i got so far 

    i still havent figured out the problem of the gold but hope to get it better . i might make the gold slightly brighter but ill check that later (the math or carpet ) ill delete that since i want to try someting out on the floor

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    yyukinoh1989 could you provide your blend file to look at this black spot issue?