BC4-1810 - Homework, Yukino Hatake


My homework thread for the  October 2018 Class.

bathroom week 4

Week 1

Toy Truck New look (freshly buyed )

Toy Truck dirty + old

i did have changed like in the wheel and some slight collor diffrence but i lost the first file somehow .

File Of toy truck finished state
toy truck finished

What i learned 
-learned how to use HDRI. change intensity , rotate the world.
-learned about the diffrent kind of lamps(point lamp, sun, etc and when to use them best .
-learned about the intensity how to increase size and how this effects the scene. and how to change the collors to the lamps.
-learned how to render with higher result . (more samples) and noticed that filmic and default settings give difrent light effects.
-learned how to add collors and how to connect diffrent nodes with each other(still dont know much about nodes what and when to use or how to organize them but i am still practicing :) )
-Learned how to make someting more plastic or more metalic
-learned how to make brushed metal
-learned how to add scratches dirt and dust (trough i still wonder why some spaces arent covered with dirt (like in the yellow its good visible where there is and not )

So overall this week was so fun . difficult but then again everyting new at first is kinda difficult .
The most important thing is i learned so much and that while having fun with it .

WEEK 2 Homework 

car shading and lighting 

late afternoon /evening when the sun is going under

At full night with lamps to showcase the model

Lightning match


Week 3

Lightning match
goal (the goblin itself



  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 Wow those are very high resolution HDRIs.. I always use 4K, since my laptop isn't that fast. Those do a great job for the things I did so far, never had to use higher. 

  • Julian B(bsdwerbeagentur) replied

    yyukinoh1989 With 2K I mean the Render Samples. I use 8K HDRIs though and got a lot of them installed as well, maybe deleting some of them might boost the performance. I'll try this out too.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @theluthier  can I delete installed Hdri 

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    yyukinoh1989 You can find the "preinstalled" ones where you have Blender 2.8 installed under the 2.80->Datafiles->StudioLights->World folder

    I just tested it (using the 2.8 version from week before last) and it seems you CAN add AND delete images from this folder and have them available for the LookDev. Most of the ones in there by default are a lower quality HDRI that aren't suitable for renders (Which is why the background was blurry in my day scene from last week). But if you do put  higher quality one in there, it's basically super blurred in the LookDev (unless you see it through any reflections or refractions).

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    indeed the problem is i would like to get rid of the HDRI that i installed (they where 16 K and quit a lot . so i think that might slow blender down . now its really slow . every action i do takes 3 to 5 minutes to be able to do someting else . rendering also is amazing slow. so i hope that if i could remove all the rest (exept the preinstalled) that i could work faster again.
    sadly even after deleting the HDRI from my folder where they where installed they stay into blender 2.8 :(

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    so i noticed that somehow a part of the dashboard is missing . trough i do nothing to it somehow it wont render. the render icon is still enabled so i really cannot figure the problem out . hope someone can help me

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    sadly i was not able to figure out the problem with the missing part of the car during render . but here is the result
    late afternoon when the sun is going down 

    and when its fully night 

    sorry i could not get further but i still have trouble with my blender its really slow so again today i have been working 14 hours onto this to somehow finish it. gonna have to give my eyes and head some rest now (lightning match still is rendering ) ill upload that after its done .
    let me know what you find what is good or not good or would need work

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Check that folder I mentioned. It's where the default files live.

    Not sure why those would make blender slow though.

  • John Fluet(cthulusan) replied

    yyukinoh1989 I had the missing car parts too.  I fixed it by applying a lot of the mirror modifiers.  I assume this is a bug in 2.8.  Frustrating for sure.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    lightning match

    question does anyone know how to check youre grafic card ? i think it might be as good as broken . of course i am not sure but knowing when a screen turns black then all collors trough each other , followed with blender quiting i think the graphic card eighter is almost broken or it had a rough time . not sure what one but i want to figure it out .

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    gradyp thank I did but those where the pre-installed. I got the problems after I installed mine. So I would rather let the pre-installed but want to delete mine. Of course it's also possible I have a problem with my graphic card. Hoe not but 40 minutes ago I got a black screen followed with colors trough each other and finally blender + internet crashed and closed :(

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Thank you for the tip. Gonna try it out tomorrow and hopefully it will fix the issue. At least if my computer will manage to render

  • silentheart00 replied

    yyukinoh1989 What are your specs of the laptop?  My first gut feeling is it either works or it doesn't; there's no weird in-between with PC parts.  It could be your GPU is going at full throttle and it just can't display stuff on your monitor.

    Other than that, your lighting match looks pretty good.  The blue is spot on, maybe a little more intensity with the orange.

    The car looks good, too, despite all the struggling.  Good work.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    silentheart00 where can I see the spec of my computer? Thank a lot. Indeed it was the second time with the render to get a better orange the computer failed. Sadly the lightning file got lost since it made blender crash. And I didn't saved it. I just hope I don't get any problems now with my computer. 

  • silentheart00 replied

    yyukinoh1989 First, what's the operating system?

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    yyukinoh1989 If you simply want to check your GPU and CPU, then load up Blender 2.8, go to Edit > User Preferences > System and then under CUDA it should say. I do believe it only shows Nvidia GPUs but I could be wrong, worth a shot at least.

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    yyukinoh1989 the camera angle on your Eevee is just a little higher than the one on the turtle, so makes the comparison a little harder. but that said... I think overall, you did a great job matching. I think the light coming from our right (the subject's left) is a bit stronger in the reference. It's either stronger and/or a little closer., which also makes the shadows (particularly of the parts to that side) stronger in the reference than on the Eeveee. Great effort! 

    Nice work on the car.

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    On the files.. I think I found the storage for the "installed" ones... If you're using Windows, check your user's AppData folder (If I remember, before 10 You could find this easily in the same directory as the Documents... which it is in 10, too, but you have to go through your root directory->Users->(username).  In the AppData, look in the Roaming folder for Blender Foundation->Blender->2.80->datafiles->studiolights->world. If you delete it from there, I think it will "uninstall".

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended) replied

    yyukinoh1989  Showing it in different lighting conditions is a neat idea!

    Looks perfect to me.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    silentheart00 , thecabbagedetective and gradyp thanx for helping me out
    first of i found the GPU is a GeForce GT 640
    and i have and intel core i7 CPU  
    system is windows 10 home
    and i have 12 RAM installed
    the processor is 64bit

    just a question where can i find the root directory ? or where is that located