BC4-1810 - Homework, Yukino Hatake


My homework thread for the  October 2018 Class.

bathroom week 4

Week 1

Toy Truck New look (freshly buyed )

Toy Truck dirty + old

i did have changed like in the wheel and some slight collor diffrence but i lost the first file somehow .

File Of toy truck finished state
toy truck finished

What i learned 
-learned how to use HDRI. change intensity , rotate the world.
-learned about the diffrent kind of lamps(point lamp, sun, etc and when to use them best .
-learned about the intensity how to increase size and how this effects the scene. and how to change the collors to the lamps.
-learned how to render with higher result . (more samples) and noticed that filmic and default settings give difrent light effects.
-learned how to add collors and how to connect diffrent nodes with each other(still dont know much about nodes what and when to use or how to organize them but i am still practicing :) )
-Learned how to make someting more plastic or more metalic
-learned how to make brushed metal
-learned how to add scratches dirt and dust (trough i still wonder why some spaces arent covered with dirt (like in the yellow its good visible where there is and not )

So overall this week was so fun . difficult but then again everyting new at first is kinda difficult .
The most important thing is i learned so much and that while having fun with it .

WEEK 2 Homework 

car shading and lighting 

late afternoon /evening when the sun is going under

At full night with lamps to showcase the model

Lightning match


Week 3

Lightning match
goal (the goblin itself



  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    newest render and file if someone want to take a look at it

    Toy truck finished

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 you made a lot of progress, the truck looks great! 😄

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Thank you so much miranda. i sure did my best . trough i still wonder about a few things that i cant figure out .
    maybe some can help me with these questions.

    1: on the front wheel you see 4 small lightblue dots does anyone know what is causing this ? is it the light ? someting of the node setup ?
    2:somehow you see the dust but i like the effect better on the floor then on the toy. not sure eighter here why that is diffrent :(
    3: is it possible to use the node wrangler in 2.8 ? i know kent used it but somehow its not working in my 2.8 file :( so its hard to see some effects without the black and white value
    4: is it possible to change the offset of the scratches ? so they are further placed from each other ?
    5: as you see for the dirt somehow at the side of the toy it isnt appearing while in front it does appear. can this be fixed ?
    6:if for example i want to use a scratch motive like this but want to add depth to them so its more like real scratches how could this be done
    7:another one of the scratches. is it possible to set a certain collor for the scratches ? now they are darker then the base but what if i want to use that effect of the setup but more want to let it look like a kid painted with collors on the truck how can you set collors for that ?

    sorry for the bunch of questions . but i tought that its better to add them here again . sometimes i didnt knew anymore where i asked a certain question so it can be hard to find back xD

  • silentheart00 replied

    yyukinoh1989 I suggest watching the Week 2 videos as it'll answer some of your questions.  But the updated version looks good.  I'll get back to you on some of those questions.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Thanks i sure will (trough ill gonna wait till tomorrow since today my head is feeling like its gonna blow up )
    i sure look forward to the class session so you will see me there :)
    i am glad you like the updated version

  • Kent Trammell replied

    yyukinoh1989 Something about the lighting looks really nice and improved. The colors on the wood floor are great. The scratches look nice too. Are those all procedural?

    1. Those look like sharp specular highlights (reflections). If you're using Cycles they may be fireflies. If that's the case look in the render settings under "Sampling" for Clamp Direct and Clamp Indirect. Set the to 5-ish and see if that solves it.

    2. I think on the floor the dust feels like particles. As in we can see individual dust bits but overall it looks like a realistic covering. On the truck I can't really see individual dust particles. Perhaps scaling up your particulate texture (noise I'm guessing) slightly could help.

    3. What happens when you enable the node wrangler addon in 2.8? It's one of the only addons that currently still works with 2.8 and it should be included by default, however disabled.

    4. You'll only be able to mask off certain areas with a pointiness or ambient occlusion node. That would make it possible to concentrate scratches on the edges and away from crevices. This assumes you're using Cycles - neither node works with Eevee currently.

    5. Not sure what you mean by the dirt. I can't tell dirt on the sides..

    6-7. It's a lot to answer in text. Basically you can use scratch textures that you generate as white to black factor for a color mix node where you can set explicit colors for your white scratch texture. If you want multiple colors you can duplicate your scratch texture nodes and alter the scale values / transform values and change the color mix node to another color. You can do that as many times as you need till you get all the colors you want.

    I can tell you're getting deep into shading nodes! I'm excited to see what you do this month 👍

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thanks kent :D sorry for the bunch of questions 

    all the scratches are done procedural . i only used a texture for the dust.

    3: actually nothing i just cannot enable it . maybe its wise to update it trough since i heard they got the subsurf working now . maybe the verry first version had that as a bug ? of course i am not sure gonna test that tomorrow
    5: for the dirt the yellow area(between the blue cabinet and the yellow tank) you can see a small place has dirt on but that is the only place sadly . i have no idea why the rest is blank

    as for 6 and 7 is it perhaps possible to show how that could be done in a further livestream or maybe at the end ? i of course dont know how long someting like this would take but i really could not figure it out

    i sure am again learning a lot. those nodes sure are intresting (difficult at first but fun ) i guess with time i will get more used to it without having to check how to use them agian .
    i am happy to hear that . i also look forward to show you the best i got :D

  • Kent Trammell replied

    yyukinoh1989 Remind me in the next live stream (Oct 16th) and I'll show you what I mean about using pointiness to isolate edges and AO for crevices.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @theluthier thank you so much I sure will. You're the best teacher I ever had and most fun classes too :D

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    trying to figure out eevee . added some collors but still have to figure out how to bring the HDRI in the workspace (so it also show in the render) and how to increase the lightning from it. tomorrow ill recheck kent's livestream to see what i could do to render better .
    there will be more colloring in the car but this will be it for today :)
    let me know what you think so far

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 Hi Yukino, using HDRI in EEVEE works the same as in Cycles. I think Aaron explained it in the previous class how it works. Else you can watch the fundamentals of lighting course, there Kent explained it too.

    Best place to get them for free: HDRI Haven

    Can't really see the shaders... I think you're only using the standard grayish world lighting. Adding a sun lamp will help 🙂

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    o found it tought the thing about would create the HDRI (somehow it only provide some light effects )
    but indeed its the same as in cycles (should checked it .
    the collors are better visible trough i wonder what happend with the car wheel (i added red but somehow it gave a strange effect)
    for today this was the result i get (i think ill darken the silver a bit tomorrow ) looks a bit too bright i guess xD

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    some little update. 
    i know the HDRI is positioned badly compared to the car xD how it looks so far ? still need a lot to do .

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 Hi Yukino, good start! Though I think you should add a plane as the ground so the car can cast shadows, that will help with the realism. Also the paint doesn't yet look like paint, I recommend watching the livestream again and following what Kent does there 🙂

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 thanks Miranda. Indeed I guess I will need a plain again. The car paint indeed is not yet finished but just got this far. Hope things will go better and faster tomorrow. I first struggled more then 30 minutes to open the blend file. Then working was really slow. Even slower then Kent's livestream. Sometimes I had to wait 2+ minute to change a setting from the nodes or to rotate the model or world.   He even crashed several times when I accidently clicked a bit too fast or clicked while he tryed to apply a new value

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Does anyone have problems with blender been really slow. I can barely work on the file and if I have the file open and I want to watch the recorded stream my computer crash each time over and over :( 3 days ago everything was perfect but now it's almost impossible to work. Even adding an Hdri (instal one) takes 3 to 5 minutes time before blender reacts again 

    @theluthier do you perhaps know what the problem can be or cause? 

  • Julian B(bsdwerbeagentur) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Yes! When I render, Blender freezes for a few minutes until I get the render result and I can't see the progress at all while rendering like in Cycles. Also it crashes every time when I try to render with Samples above 2k. Another thing I noticed is that when I use Ctrl+Z it sometimes takes up to 5-10 seconds to undo the last step. :/ I hope they will make some changes to improve the performance. Btw nice WIP, I really like the wheels! 👍

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    bbsdwerbeagentur well for me it's not during render (I even cant get to a render anymore) but like when I open blender.2.8 or when I change Hdri or change settings in the node editor. He even start lagging when I sometimes orbit around my object. My computer even crashed 2 times today :(

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    while struggeling 11 hours to somehow get someting i managed to get part of the car paint (only the gray car paint)
    i gonna try to continue tomorrow and i hope then blender will run faster again. its really strange how blender takes forever 
    let me know what you find of the car paint so far

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    bbsdwerbeagentur question. With the 2K samples do you mean render samples or Hdri at 2K? Since now you mention 2K I do remember they comes wit 2K 8K and 16K right? If I am correctly the problems did start the moment I installed +-10 HDRI files of 16 K. Gonna check out tomorrow if I somehow can delete them and see if that fix it.

    Also thank you a lot I am happy to hear you like it