BC4-1810 - Homework, Yukino Hatake


My homework thread for the  October 2018 Class.

bathroom week 4

Week 1

Toy Truck New look (freshly buyed )

Toy Truck dirty + old

i did have changed like in the wheel and some slight collor diffrence but i lost the first file somehow .

File Of toy truck finished state
toy truck finished

What i learned 
-learned how to use HDRI. change intensity , rotate the world.
-learned about the diffrent kind of lamps(point lamp, sun, etc and when to use them best .
-learned about the intensity how to increase size and how this effects the scene. and how to change the collors to the lamps.
-learned how to render with higher result . (more samples) and noticed that filmic and default settings give difrent light effects.
-learned how to add collors and how to connect diffrent nodes with each other(still dont know much about nodes what and when to use or how to organize them but i am still practicing :) )
-Learned how to make someting more plastic or more metalic
-learned how to make brushed metal
-learned how to add scratches dirt and dust (trough i still wonder why some spaces arent covered with dirt (like in the yellow its good visible where there is and not )

So overall this week was so fun . difficult but then again everyting new at first is kinda difficult .
The most important thing is i learned so much and that while having fun with it .

WEEK 2 Homework 

car shading and lighting 

late afternoon /evening when the sun is going under

At full night with lamps to showcase the model

Lightning match


Week 3

Lightning match
goal (the goblin itself



  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 That's almost the same as my laptop. I got windows 10 pro 64 bit, nvidea 650M video card, intel processor i7 and only 8gb RAM. Blender and Eevee work fine for me. I wonder what's wrong with yours, maybe it's really broken.. ☹️

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 is there a way to find that out? 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 Probably, but I'm not a hardware person so I couldn't tell you how.. when I get weird stuff like you get I go to a computer repair guy.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 guess I gonna have to wait then. Can't yet go sadly 

    I also uploaded the good renders both of car and lightning match. So I guess for now I still gonna be able to work like that.  But I better don't render anymore above 500 samples 

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    yyukinoh1989 The root directory (on Windows) is usually the C:\ drive

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    I also uploaded the good renders both of car and lightning match. So I guess for now I still gonna be able to work like that.  But I better don't render anymore above 500 samples 

    yyukinoh1989 I rarely ever saw the need to go over 1000K because you never saw much increase in quality versus the time it took to render, but since denoising, I usually use 500 when using Cycles.

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Yukino your lighting match exercise is almost perfect for me. Also good to see your own model from the previous class again

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    csehz thank you so much I am glad to hear that :D

  • Kent Trammell replied

    yyukinoh1989 Good work this week! I like your unique sports car color scheme. Fits well with the vehicle style. And overall your S&L looks nice. The ground bump map is believable too. It's an A from me on this half of the homework.

    Your light match is among my favorites. Very close to the source which is a great choice: Perfect for showcasing models. Also an A from me 👍

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @theluthier thank you so much. I am very happy to hear the lightning match is among the favorites :D.  I had quit the rough time with my computer. Hope this week he will do better 

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    just watched the livestream . And damn it was really fun to watch it :D i guess i would even be so obsessed with focusing on what you where learning us that i even would forgot i had the question xD .
    Thanks  @theluthier  for showing how to concentrate certain things at edged or how to concentrate on the thicker parts .
    i do also have a Question :

    I noticed you skip with a button between render layers that you rendered.
    how do you do that ?
    you where also correct , i am a woman :D
    Also thank you toothecabbagedetective for sending a reminder during stream :)

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    working this week onto the pumpkins for the contest (gonna start retopology tomorrow) then gonna continue shading and lightning them .
    i do have QUESTIONS :

    1:how do i switch between render layers ? (render slots) i saw @theluthier switching between them without clicking it . so i wonder how to do that. 

    2:is it possible to render each pumpkin seperated and afterwards use the compositor to merge them ? if so could anyone help me a bit out with how to do that ? like how to add them on top of each other ? 

    3:  i have been trying to add 2 collors in the small pumpkin (pink and blue ) but somehow its not so visible. how do i make it so that they are more vissible

    for now these are the questions . its kinda late so i guess i should go sleep.
    i do know there still are a lot of mistakes in the pumpkin but they should dissapear in the retopology so i didnt bother cleaning it more up xD
    or i do hope it will end up good without cleaning it up 

    this is what i have so far for today
    (lightning collors etc might still change(the one with green light might keep the light but not look orange on the outside)

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective  silentheart00 or ssmurfmier1985 do you guys perhaps know any of the questions? 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    yyukinoh1989 Great expression on the faces! 😀

    1. I think @theluthier uses a hot key, I don't know which one. What I do is hover the mouse over where it says 'Slot 1' , hold CTRL and scroll with the middle mouse wheel to scroll through the different slots.

    2. Yes you can! You have to use render layers. I recommend watching the compositing fundamentals course, they explain it pretty good there.

    3. Do you mean 2 lamps with different colors? You might have to make the less dominant one stronger. Or maybe use a different type (for example area) and point them in different directions. Just some thoughts, don't know if it will work..

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Thank you glad you like the expressions .
    now i do seems to have some problems that are pretty troublesome . at youtube or other sides i can watch movies but if i want to watch lessons here i cant :s this is how it looks. I even restarted the computer 2 times(after the restart when i click youre recommented course i get the screen to start learning (somehow i get logged out the moment i click it ). And afterwards i get this . Even closing internet isnt helping :( 

    even if i take at start before i log in to just watch the free course demo i get this message
    Delivery network failed to load video    

    as for the lightning i first used 2 point lamps but each time if i increase the strenght of one lamp it takes over of the other (and i want one side of the eye shine blue and other side pinkish purple .
    Then i tryed just as you tought too area lamps but even with that and pointing them the oposite way it keeps looking like one collor .
    Already thanks for the help

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied


    Well it appears ssmurfmier1985 has the sleeping schedule of a normal human being and therefore managed to answer your questions primarily first, however you seem to be having issues with watching videos for some reason. It might take a while but maybe I could download the compositing fundamentals course and send it to you until it's fixed?

    Also in relation to your lighting issue are you using Cycles or Eevee? Mind sending me the .blend file, so I can have a tinker around?

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective first of all sorry for disturbing youre sleep xD . well depends on where you live too :p
    it indeed might be nice if you could send me the compositiong fundamentals course (if its possible of course)
    for my file this is the one : pumpkin file.
    the 2 lights are point and point 4 (but i changed them to area lamps in the meantime . i used cycles for now since i heard eevee sometimes have problems . hope you can find out the problem or how to fix that

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Nah it's no worries I was only messing lol.

    Well here's the course for now, gonna take a look at your file now. Decided to upload to entire course because despite you only needing a small amount of it for now it's all very relevant and useful to bring your renders to the next level, so definitely check it out. Also be sure to let me know when you've downloaded the course so I can delete it. Thanks!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Actually I should ask what exactly it is you're trying to accomplish with the lamps? 'Cause right now they're working as intended, being such similar colours they're basically being blended into one. So did you want one colour coming out of each eye socket or something along those lines?

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective ya kinda so now they blend in what is not bad but I want that both colors are better visible so that at the left eye you can see blue and the right you can see that would be pink. But I am not able to achieve a better result . i am downloading the file now . thanks a lot for it . it should be finished in 3 minutes so then it can be deleted :)