BC4-1810 Homework, Aaron Rudderham


My homework thread for the  October 2018 Class. 

Week 1 Submission: Page 2

Week 2 Submission: Page 5

Week 3 Submission: Page 8

Week 4 Submission: Page 9

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective hey it looks already nice but i agree with Miranda.
    this is an example (here you see the bottom is still straight but above are the wrinkles (they do form other ways of course)

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    thecabbagedetective Are you trying to sculpt the wrinkles? If so, look in the Art of Sculpting course. In there, @theluthier has a chapter on sculpting cloth. Basically, you need to think about where the cloth will have tension, sag, and gathering, as each of these will influence the way the wrinkles appear.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Day 1 done!

    With both the pumpkin contest and this week's homework coinciding daily updates should be a thing again, so yay!

    So first off, a big thank to you to ssmurfmier1985, yyukinoh1989 and gradyp for advice on the jeans. I've certainly taken what you have said into account and whilst this is my first attempt at scultping clothing and therefore is bound to have issues I certainly think it's better than what it would've been if you hadn't intervened. So here are the jeans so far:

    As you can see I've updated the texture quite a bit, though it's still not done. And of course, the glorious turntable makes a comeback!

    Bit shiny...

    I still have a few things to add like seams and a few other wrinkles but so far I like what I have. Also yesterday I played around with a prop, namely an axe, and after using some nodes foreign to me and unconventional methods of ones I were familiar with here's the texture I came up with:

    Think this could use some lovely scratches. Once I'm fully satisfied with the textures I'll upload the node setups if any of yous are interested? Well with that I'm back to Blender so have a good one guys!

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    thecabbagedetective Nice pants, the wrinkles and holes and dirty patches look great! Indeed a bit to shiny but what a great start for first time sculpting clothes 😁

    I loveee the ax! Blood spatter rocks 🤘🏻😆 with a few more details as mentioned it will be so wickedly awesome!

    I'm very interested in the nodes by the way 😊

    Looking forward to the next update!!

  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    thecabbagedetective Looks like you have a nice character in the making. I'm really curious what he (assuming it's a he) will turn into. A minor tip for the axe, though. Looking at reference pictures, the texture on the handle should probably be rotated 90° (I see the long lines running lengthwise more often than not).

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective wow thats some amazing work again of you :D . you sure did it great and i would love to see the node setup. its really cool done  also great axe . looking forward to what youre making

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Glad to hear you're liking it! I've tweaked the jeans as well so hopefully it'll look better now.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    shiennar Cheers for the feedback! Unfortunately though, what's making the patterns on the handle is a highly distorted wave texture, and for the life of me I cannot get the same pattern to go vertically. Unless I manage to find another way or end up hand sculpting it I might just have to live with it for now, but thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'll keep it in mind!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Why thank you, glad to hear you're liking it!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Day 2 done!

    Decided to leave this until the following day, due to having a lot to render. I won't lie a part of me is concerned if I'll even be able to get this finished in time, both for the class and for the competition, but I've come this far so I can't fail now!

    So first we have an updated axe, which has added scratches and lumps in the handle. Not 100% satisfied with the scratches if I'm honest, but I think they'll do for now.

    Next are the gloves, in which I was going for a old workers glove kinda look, made of leather. Outside of the smaller wrinkles and bits of stitching and whatnot in the tears I'm liking this so far.

    Next is the shirt, which is admittedly lacking in wrinkles, but that's due to me spending the majority of my time yesterday working on textures. Have no fear, they will come!

    So all in all this is what we have so far (don't mind the funky textures, they've since been changed).

    Few other little bits that didn't really need their own pic, like the belt. Still a few smaller details to add but so far for my first character I think this is quite alright!

    Now, onto the nodes, seeing as there's interest. One thing I should mention is that I'm not completely finished with any of them so they're all subject to change, but so far here we go!


    Wood (Axe Handle):

    Metal (Axe Head):




    Brace holders (little metal bits):


    That's it so far, so I hope you like what you see so far, or that these nodes may have helped you in some way, and if you have any questions feel free to ask. With that said, I'll see you around, so have a good one!

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    thecabbagedetective This is coming together real nice! I love the beat up dirty look ❤️

    Even if you do not finish this week you deserve a nice high grade for all the texturing you've been doing, very impressive 😬

    Thanks for sharing the nodes by the way!

  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    thecabbagedetective Well, if you have the time and you haven't seen it yet, I'd recommend you watch the wood tutorial in Shader Forge (the last video in the series). It's not very long, but bursting with useful tips. :-)

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Haha, I don't think it's that good but I appreciate the compliment! It's been fun stretching my texturing legs, something I need to actually get good at *cough* Substance *cough* 'cause I feel I'm competent enough on the modelling side but my shading and texturing side has been letting me down somewhat. Time to change that!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    shiennar Why thanks, I'll certainly check that out! Appreciate it!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Why do I use so many exclamation marks, it's like I'm just constantly bellowing my lungs at people. Oh well!

  • silentheart00 replied

    thecabbagedetective Hey, some good progress!

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    thecabbagedetective  wow great progress you made . its wonderfull so far . keep this up :D youre just keep amazing us :D

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Day 3 done!

    First of all thank you silentheart00 and yyukinoh1989 for the feedback, it's always appreciated!

    Don't have too much to show today, due to a fair amount of things I did were either subtle or behind the scenes, though I did model the boots:

    This was my first time messing with curves as a modelling tool, hence why they don't look as good as they could. Still, was a fun first attempt. I get the feeling I need to make the voronoi texture smaller on the main part of the boot, it's looking rather large as is.

    Now, onto the materials! I should mention that the bump textures that you can't see are all scratches which are very similar to each other and I believe I posted them yesterday so I didn't wanna clog this up with them:

    Boots (the primary part):

    BootsMid (the divider between the leather and the rubber):

    Boots Bottom (the black rubber part):

    Dirty Brass Simple:


    Welp, that's it for now, I'll catch you all again later, happy blending!

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    thecabbagedetective just wow. You are kicking some ass this week for sure.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    nekronavt Why thanks, you're very kind! Felt like I've been slowing down recently but these kind of comments keep me going!