CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #5 (Feb 1, 2018): The class is officially closed! Thanks to all who participated. Be sure to check page 43 for the closing "statement" and commendations.
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #4 (Jan 30, 2018): The timing worked out where this week's homework stretch is 10 days instead of the usual 7. So you've got extra time to complete the assignment! I'll look for submission through tomorrow, the 31st, and then I'll do a final post to close out the class.
BTW week 4's live event is archived if you missed it.
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #3 (Jan 15, 2018): Week 2 is done - We're halfway through the class! Today WEEK 3 begins where the focus is digital sculpting. This is a far more artistic method of shaping 3D models, so if you struggled in week 2, week 3 should be refreshing.
- Only 1 course to watch this week: Fundamentals of Digital Sculpting
- Live Event tomorrow at 2pm EST
- Please submit homework anytime between Jan 15 - Jan 21 with "BC1-1801 Week 3 Homework Submission" at the top of your post.
Keep up the awesome work, Class! So much creativity and hard work being contributed from everyone 🤘
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #2 (Jan 8, 2018): Week one is accomplished! Today WEEK 2 begins. We're moving forward from basic viewport interaction and into mesh modeling; into Edit Mode and the modifier stack.
- Reminder that you have 2 courses to watch this week: Mesh Modeling Fundamentals and Modeling with Modifiers.
- Live Event tomorrow at 2pm EST
- Please submit homework anytime between Jan 8 - Jan 14 with "BC1-1801 Week 2 Homework Submission" at the top of your post.
As always, don't hesitate to ask questions in this thread!
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #1 (Jan 2, 2018): The class has officially started! Today we held the first live event to kick things off. The recording will be published by tomorrow at the latest is now available in "Past Events".
That means it's now up to you to watch the Blender Basics Course and submit your homework to this thread. Please add a big, bold title to your homework submission reply so I can easily tell. Like this:
"BC1-1801 Week 1 Homework Submission"Also don't hesitate to ask questions along the way. I'll be checking this thread daily to answer questions, give advice, check homework.
This thread is for CG Cookie Citizens that are participating in the "Getting Started with 3D Modeling and Blender" class! Its purpose is to serve as central communication for all participating Citizens (excluding Hobby plan Citizens) to ask me and each other questions and to post homework. As the instructor of the class, I will be monitoring this thread on a daily basis (especially Mon-Thurs) throughout the month of January to review homework and answer questions.
This thread is intended only for Citizens who are participating in the class. Free members are welcome to observe the thread but please respect that communication is reserved for Citizens.
Welcome to the CGCookie Class: Getting Started with 3D Modeling & Blender! This is the first "Class" format where Citizen members are invited to focus together on a particular topic/skill together for a month. Participation is this:
It will take place from January 2nd through January 31st and the topic is for beginners that want to get into 3D modeling. The class is based on pre-recorded courses that students are expected to watch each week along with weekly Live Events.
Download the latest official version of Blender and watch the Blender Basics course. The goal this week is to simply get familiar with the application. We’ve all been there: Opening Blender (or any 3D package), gazing at all the crazy UI, trying to orbit in the viewport, crying...Ok, maybe you were stronger than me and didn’t cry. But the reality is 3D software is daunting. There’s SO MUCH to digest especially when you’re a beginner.
This first week we’re going to overview Blender and 3D from an absolutely beginner perspective. What is Blender for? What can it do? Wait, this isn’t a juicing seminar?
During the Live Event we're also going to open the floor, ask me anything (AMA) style, so I can answer all your questions about getting started with Blender.
HOMEWORK: Create a scene out of primitive shapes. It can be anything from a landscape to a spaceship to a character. Just get comfortable with creating and positioning mesh objects. Here's an example:
Take a screenshot of your scene and post it in a reply to this thread *during the week of Jan 1-6*.
Enter the world of mesh modeling! The oldest form of building objects in 3D, in the computer. We’ll discuss the technical art of “pushing and pulling verts” as modelers often call it. First, watch the Mesh Modeling Fundamentals and Modeling with Modifiers courses to be introduced to this wild, geometric world.
Practice makes perfect here and during this week's Live Event we’ll be mesh-modeling a few objects to demonstrate tools and workflow available with Blender. It’s ideal if you practice along with me!
HOMEWORK: Model either 1, 2, or 3 unique objects using mesh-modeling techniques. They can be as simple or as complex as you like, but they can't be primitives. I want to see that you've used mesh tools to significantly customize your shapes. For example, you could model a hammer, a cell phone, a keyboard, a game controller, a picture frame, a coffee cup - choose something fun!
Take a screenshot of your shaded model + wireframe-over shaded (as pictured above) and post it in a reply to this thread *during the week of Jan 7-14*.
Digital sculpting is the more artistically intuitive method of 3D modeling. If pushing and pulling verts felt like the hard way of doing things, sculpting will be a welcomed alternative! Watch the Fundamentals of Digital Sculpting course this week.
During the Live Event, we'll discuss the pros and cons of digital sculpting as well as how it compares to mesh modeling. Again, practice makes perfect with any craft, and we will also practice sculpting. Be sure to have your pen and tablet ready!
HOMEWORK: *Submit during the week of Jan 15-21*
There’s still much more to learn about modeling with Blender. Remember, it’s a craft. Time + practice is the only way to develop your modeling skills.
This week your challenge is to dive into the Modeling in Blender Learning Flow. While the class gives you a boost, the Flow takes you further into intermediate and advanced modeling techniques/workflows. Test the waters and see how far you can go this week.
During the Live Event we'll discuss the journey of becoming a skilled modeler as well as the potential for turning it into a career. Finally, I’m going to sift through homework submissions to commend my favorites and offer critiques!
HOMEWORK: Model and/or sculpt something challenging this week! Try tackling a character or a complex vehicle, etc. Show me what you've learned; what you're capable of!
Take a screenshot of your shaded model and post it in a reply to this thread *during the week of Jan 21-31*.
Tanya this fish is very good from a beginner and you did from a cube, hat off really and with such steps soon you will improve it further.
It sounds reasonable with those PRO's so surely it should be tried.
Let's see, although the performance issues of the stream that sometimes it was broken and needed the refreshing of the browser, that is also a key factor. With that would like to give the feedback too, that at the week1 stream I had 3 breaks, while at week2 did not have any at all. (watching from Europe)
Maybe it's because I spend quite a bit of time on Twitch, but I've almost become blind to these on a live stream, instead paying attention to the chat window (though it can be a good way to judge lag). But as someone who misses live streams because of taking a nap and/or just forgetting about them, I like having the chat in the stream to provide some of that extra context that's missing if you're not watching live.
Grady yes originally probably it was wrote like that in the thread that this week 3 objects should be modelled, but as I recall in the stream was rather 1-3 objects mentioned, so 2 objects should be more than enough for the homework :D
Or better saying for a homework which is ready to grade :-) (maybe Kent will correct if not)
Hi!, i could't really make it to the first class but here's what i made for the 2nd one. I had already use blender a little, say 3-6 months.
I wonder why the first stream broke up for you 3 times csehz. Hearing that makes me uncomfortable because, was it on my end? Was it my computer? My internet connection? An OBS issue? A ustream issue? A European internet issue? Etc. Realizing the many points where something can go wrong gets me anxious lol. I'm glad to hear you didn't experience any drops yesterday.
Rest assured that I'm on a top-of-the-line computer, high quality internet, and we're paying for Ustream as a professional service. So in theory, we shouldn't be dropping at all, aside from extreme circumstances.gradyp Twitch (and maybe youtube live?) has the ideal situation where the chat remains in-context with the stream recording. Not sure if we can develop that quality of a system, but to capture it in the video seems like a decent solution till/if then. Thanks for the reply!
Welcome to week 2 zzarlur! While we missed you in week 1, it seems like maybe you didn't really need to learn what was taught that week :)
Excellent "pirate-y" mesh models you have here! The lantern is a perfect choice for modeling. It covers a lot of the same concepts that a coffee cup has but also with some extra details. The knife looks good - even with a lattice deform modifier on the handle. Chest is solid too. Good work.
I gotta give you an A+ since the models are all good and you went the extra mile with shaders, textures, and lighting. It looks like some of the wireframe isn't displaying. To remedy that you can enable "draw all edges" in object properties. Kinda silly that it doesn't do that by default imo..
I like that you went with something more exciting than everyday objects like a book . It looks even better with the textures and lighting.
I like the theme and color palette. Make me think of the captains quarters in the bottom of a pirate ship. Nice clean and smooth models.
BC1-1801 Week 2 Homework Submission
My first non-primitive objects without using a tutorial since learning blender! It's been about 2-3 months and I felt accomplished. Zelda inspired.
Modifiers used: Mirror, SubSurf, Boolean, Solidify, UV Project (I really wanted to fill the shield face. It felt boring without it.)
BC1-1801 Week 2 Homework Submission
Fruit made for the r/blender "Nature" competition the day before the LiveStream, and seeing as it fits the criteria I figured I'd re-sub.
All fruit uses 1-2 mirror modifiers, Subsurfs, and are Shaded Smooth
Kiwi/Strawberry both have array modifiers for seeds
Lots of proportional editing to give shapes
Colors/shading done with Principled BSDF and lighting done with world lighting and filmic set to Med-High Contrast.
Don't know if this is because I'm into fantasy or I'm a Zelda fan, but either way, I like this. Great job on the modeling and the texturing. Oh, and watch out for Gannon... He's right behind you! ;)
I have a couple basic questions.
1. In sculpting you don't care about normals, poly shape or count, but are trying to get the best looking model. Is this true?
2. Reptology then makes the mesh and cares about poly shape and normals, is this right?
3. What is the rough cut off for a low poly mesh?
4. What is used in a low poly mesh for the holding edge?
Congratulations nathangarduno! These are impressive firsts in mesh modeling. Is the hylian symbol on the shield red polygons or did you paint a texture for it?
I love Zelda. Currently meandering my way through BotW. Best part about your recreations: They'll never break! ;)
These are so pleasing to look at deadly_cicada. Brightly colored and stylish. Good, simple models too. Definitely a case of less is more. And you modeled with modifiers! Excellent execution of the assignment: A+