Collab 2020: Modeling Heavy Equipment (Backhoe)

Kent Trammell

Accomplishing a BIG project TOGETHER

Starting in March 2020, I began a large stream project to model a comprehensive, highly-detailed Caterpillar 434E backhoe. Please watch the first stream (first 3 minutes of abridged version at least) for an overview.

It's a straight-forward project of building a complex model over an extended period of time. The spin on the project is that I want your help to accomplish it! If I build some parts and you build some parts, we will finish this thing much quicker. Plus the contribution format will include reviews, the potential of having your piece(s) assimilated into the final model. Not to mention large quantities of XP are at stake 🤑

NOTE: This is an involved project reserved for Citizen members.

Collaboration Details

The general idea is that I kickoff stages of the project via live stream, which is typically once per month. For the time in between streams, you choose a piece of the backhoe and apply what you learned from the stream to that piece. For example, the first stream covered initial block out. So between stream 1 and stream 2, your job is to pick a piece and block it out.

This is the repeating protocol for each Assignment Period (between-streams):

  1. Signing up for pieces of the model. I will be maintaining a Google Sheet to organize piece selection and grading. Following this URL will give you the ability to comment. The sheet is sectioned vertically and color-coordinated with a backhoe image. To sign up for a piece, right click on an empty cell below your desired piece section and click "Comment" (CTRL + ALT + M). Comment your name or username and I will fill it in officially as confirmation.

    Remember that it is OK for multiple people to model the same piece. But lets try to have at least one person assigned to each piece before doubling up.

    2. Project file structure. We're going to use Google Drive as a means to sync a single working directory among all contributors. See this thread about details and how to get set up.

    3. Submitting your piece for review. Exactly one week before the next stream is scheduled to be broadcast, your piece is due. In the "Attempt" cell of the spreadsheet, paste a download link to your .blend file via Dropbox, Google Drive, or equivalent hosting service. This will earn you at least 10 XP each week.

    4. Review. On stream I will review each submitted piece and decide which will be assimilated into the master model (in the case of multiple submissions of the same piece). The purpose of the review is to generate feedback for you work and advice for improvement.

    5. Assimilation. If your piece makes the cut and is assimilated into the master model, your name / username will be added to the object in Blender. You will go down in history as a definitive contributor to this epic backhoe model!

    Once the model is completely done, I plan to render a short demo reel showing off the model and crediting all contributors. It should be a rewarding conclusion to all the work we will do!

Assignment Prompts

I will reply to this thread after each stream with a [big] assignment post denoted by a  📣 emoji in the title. There I will clarify instructions about each Assignment Period.

Online Resources

Reference Images


This is THE thread

We will centralize our collaborative communication between the streams and this thread. Ask any and all questions pertaining to the Backhoe project here.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Strange. At the end of last week I also noticed that duerer 's rear axle master file ended up in my root Google Drive directory which google tells me isn't even a shared directory 🤔

    I'm trying to work out this issue now and running into trouble. I can't seem to delete nor relocate the offending library because it's "indirectly linked:

    As far as I can tell something is using a material from within that file. Yet even setting the users to zero doesn't appear to solve the issue...

    I'll continue trying to figure it out. Though at worst, if it doesn't go away, it doesn't appear to be consequential to anything. Just a minor annoyance to get a warning and know a linked library is broken.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I'm happy to alter this part if needed 👌

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I've created a new spreadsheet tab to the collaboration google sheet, called "MOLE List". blanchsb@adrian2301 If we document loose ends there then we can probably keep better track of when they get solved and by whom (for some extra XP 🤑)

    I created a first entry with this intersection of the engine enclosure and chassis. Note the small black triangles in the upper right corner of cells showing there's a note with additional instructions (accessible by hovering the mouse over the cell). I think the way this can work is:

    1. MOLE (or non-MOLE) notices a loose end (intersection + gaps mostly, missing piece, scene file error, etc) and adds it to the spreadsheet.
    2. The contributor(s) responsible for the part(s) are notified of the issue on the forum by @-ing them. Ideally each issue will be solved by the OG contributor.
    3. Once the contributor is contacted, that cell is filled with the lightest orange color.
    4. If that contributor doesn't respond or isn't available for the fix, someone else will fix it (MOLES or me or anyone that wants extra XP)
    5. Once the fix is solved, the fixer's name is entered into the appropriate cell (maybe filled with the lighted green? Not really necessary but could be nice visually).

    What do you think of this plan?

  • artifact replied

    @adrian2301 spikeyxxx @theluthier blanchsb At first glance, it is seems doable. I'll have to move forward most of my mesh as Spikey says. Let me have the first crack at it and then I'll go over it with Spikey and Kent.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    My latest theory is that one of the MASTER files has an object that's linking the the "Steel_bolts" material from the chassis master file that's in the wrong directory. Unfortunately since most MASTER files are using the chassis (due to it being the backbone of the whole DOG) I'm afraid the only way to fix this error is to remove the stray material. 

    I say "unfortunate" because each file would need to be checked 😵  Blender doesn't make the tracing of an "indirect library link" very easy. For rendering I will ultimately delete all materials from the master files anyway, applying my own. I suppose at the very worst that's when the problem will be solved.

  • adrian replied


    Sounds like a good plan to me.

  • adrian replied

    It's probably in my chassis file.

    I'll hunt done this stray dog and impound it.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    @adrian2301 If you change the outliner to "Data API" in the assembly file and navigate to the materials, you'll see several "Steel_bolts" materials. One of them is from the wrong-directory-chassis blend and it only has one user:

    THAT user is the culprit according to my theory. It'd be a weird problem to happen in your correct chassis file..but worth checking I suppose.

  • adrian replied

    @theluthier I found the stray dog, I'm afraid I was too late, had to put it down.

    Found it in the swing frame file, when I did the hydraulics I originally had the collection in the chassis file and then moved it into the swing frame file after I finished.

    I went back to the master to see it was now zero users but still had the error. 

    So I did what you said in the live stream, I added a cube and allocated the material to it and shift x'ed it in the material panel, saved the file and reverted it and hey presto, vanished , no errors.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    No way! How many files did you have to open till you found the poor pup?

    Honestly I'm impressed you found it. I'd already given up for the day 😅

  • adrian replied

    I found it straight away.

    I added a cube, so I could select a material and using text search for 'Steel_bolts' it lists the linked files using that material and it had the chassis and the swing frame listed.

    So then went to the swing frame and removed the material.

    Must of become a stray when I moved the collection to the swing frame from the chassis.

  • adrian replied

    Up here for dancing.....

    No that's not right

    Down here for dancing, Up here for thinking.

  • Karen Trevino(ketre) replied

    Hey Guys, I won't make it to live stream. My mother had a stroke and is in the hospital. I will be with her as much as the hospital will allow. They aren't letting me see her until tomorrow. Prayers appreciated 

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    That's terrible news ketre. Prayers coming your way for sure!

    I don't think the live stream is until Oct 20th so you may still be able to make it.

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    ketre All the best wishes and prayers for your mother! I hope to see you here again soon with good news.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Sorry to hear that ketre . Best wishes from me as well. I'll also be praying for your mother to get well.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    ketre I'm so sorry to hear the news about your mother. Absolutely sending prayers your way!

  • artifact replied

    ketre  Sad news about your mum. Will be praying for you all.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I found it straight away.

    😳 .... 😅 I knew I picked the right MOLE for the job! One thing I did notice is that the assembly file was saved with 2.9. Shoudln't be a big deal, just something I'll make sure to mention in the next livestream. Either way, 2.83 or 2.9, it's probably best if we all use the same version on this project (which is 2.9 now)

  • adrian replied

    ooops!!! Wasn't thinking. Can you open in 2.83 then resave it??