Collab 2020: Modeling Heavy Equipment (Backhoe)

Kent Trammell

Accomplishing a BIG project TOGETHER

Starting in March 2020, I began a large stream project to model a comprehensive, highly-detailed Caterpillar 434E backhoe. Please watch the first stream (first 3 minutes of abridged version at least) for an overview.

It's a straight-forward project of building a complex model over an extended period of time. The spin on the project is that I want your help to accomplish it! If I build some parts and you build some parts, we will finish this thing much quicker. Plus the contribution format will include reviews, the potential of having your piece(s) assimilated into the final model. Not to mention large quantities of XP are at stake 🤑

NOTE: This is an involved project reserved for Citizen members.

Collaboration Details

The general idea is that I kickoff stages of the project via live stream, which is typically once per month. For the time in between streams, you choose a piece of the backhoe and apply what you learned from the stream to that piece. For example, the first stream covered initial block out. So between stream 1 and stream 2, your job is to pick a piece and block it out.

This is the repeating protocol for each Assignment Period (between-streams):

  1. Signing up for pieces of the model. I will be maintaining a Google Sheet to organize piece selection and grading. Following this URL will give you the ability to comment. The sheet is sectioned vertically and color-coordinated with a backhoe image. To sign up for a piece, right click on an empty cell below your desired piece section and click "Comment" (CTRL + ALT + M). Comment your name or username and I will fill it in officially as confirmation.

    Remember that it is OK for multiple people to model the same piece. But lets try to have at least one person assigned to each piece before doubling up.

    2. Project file structure. We're going to use Google Drive as a means to sync a single working directory among all contributors. See this thread about details and how to get set up.

    3. Submitting your piece for review. Exactly one week before the next stream is scheduled to be broadcast, your piece is due. In the "Attempt" cell of the spreadsheet, paste a download link to your .blend file via Dropbox, Google Drive, or equivalent hosting service. This will earn you at least 10 XP each week.

    4. Review. On stream I will review each submitted piece and decide which will be assimilated into the master model (in the case of multiple submissions of the same piece). The purpose of the review is to generate feedback for you work and advice for improvement.

    5. Assimilation. If your piece makes the cut and is assimilated into the master model, your name / username will be added to the object in Blender. You will go down in history as a definitive contributor to this epic backhoe model!

    Once the model is completely done, I plan to render a short demo reel showing off the model and crediting all contributors. It should be a rewarding conclusion to all the work we will do!

Assignment Prompts

I will reply to this thread after each stream with a [big] assignment post denoted by a  📣 emoji in the title. There I will clarify instructions about each Assignment Period.

Online Resources

Reference Images


This is THE thread

We will centralize our collaborative communication between the streams and this thread. Ask any and all questions pertaining to the Backhoe project here.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    @theluthier sign me up. for the Rear Control Columns.

    My forum page is created here: 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    @ritag Glad to hear you're continuing with the project! Do you not want to add the shared project folder to your Google Drive for automatic file syncing?

    ketre Sounds great! Enjoy your new grandbaby as long as you can :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Now it makes sense why the boxes where giving me such a headache. I made a mistake at the beginning of it all. I was seeing that in the real life reference the boxes seemed smaller than in the 3D view. 

    But I had followed the blueprints so why? Well I followed the wrong contour, in the beginning when I wasn't used to looking at them I thought this was the box:

    But it's actually this:

    I will fix it ASAP.

  • adrian replied

    I think most of the pound have had an issue with the blueprint in one way or another.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    One thing still baffles me, why are they so tugged in like that? Like a turtle who is too shy to stick his head out.

    They go all the way to the frame both in 3D and real life, yet they don't stick out enough in 3D. What is going on there?

  • adrian replied

    It looks like the depth of the box might be too shallow. X-axis scale. The step size looks good, maybe the best option would be to bring them forward to the correct positions and extrude the back toward the chassis. Not sure how it will look but might be the simplest solution.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Yeah that was the solution I went with, almost done.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    And then you think you pick something simple;)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Dude, that's why I went with the most difficult looking one for the interior, to not make this mistake again.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Plus there's no reference blueprint image in the marketing department to hang us up on. 

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Has anyone wondered how far can we push the system?

    I mean if I open someone else's blend file and start working at the same time that person has it open and we are doing opposite things, like I move a cable in Y and they move the same cable in X, I save, he saves, we continue working in the same file on the same model.... our files (Which are the same file) are not going to update as long as we have it open... the changes only get reflected once we hit reload... so I'm working in a ghostly image of something that isn't even there? Which takes precedent?.... so what is happening in the mean time? And that is not even taking into account the time it takes to upload the file when we save, then sync and then internet connection speeds.

    Anyone wants to do an experiment? olds school science way.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I think you're right that it's possible for problems to occur if multiple people are working on the same file. 2 protocols should prevent contradictory changes though:

    1. Only modify and save files pertaining to YOUR part. The name at the beginning of each .blend file is the owner of the part and should be the only person making changes within.

    2. Communication: If person A is going to modify their part to match person B's part, person A needs to communicate with person B to ensure they're not doing the same thing from the opposite perspective.
  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

  • Rita G replied

    Yes please, @Kent Trammell (theluthier) 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    LOL oh no, I didn't mean to suggest you couldn't test it dostovel! By all means I'd like some confirmation of the limits as you put forth 🤝

  • adrian replied

    @theluthier and blanchsb , how should we proceed with tying up the loose ends, have we had contact from any of the stragglers.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Word of advice... when Kent tells you to first go into solid view before bumping up the samples to 256 for volumetric rendering, DO NOT say "let me see if my computer can handle it". Especially don't do it if due to the quarantine the computer you have at home is the company's computer.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I've only heard from 1 of the 5 mentioned stragglers 😕 But I'm not too worried about loose ends quite yet. I say we give the stragglers more time to catch up / respond. Maybe even wait till the next stream to begin tackling loose ends. That way we can address loose ends while we progress through the interior.

    What do you think blanchsb @adrian2301?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Greetings DOG POUND! I've been quiet on the forum the past few days. My wife and I welcomed our new baby girl into the world. I'm happy to say mom and baby are healthy and we're all smiles over here 🥰

    I will likely be unplugged for the next two weeks. But if I get a moment here and there I will try to check in.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    That is awesome. Congratulations on your first girl! I love my daughter, she provides the balance against the 2 boys I have. Enjoy your time!