I published a collection of my light match .blend files, as was discussed during the class. You're welcome to reference those if you'd like. Also here's links to the reels shiennar put together:
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #4 (Oct 31, 2018): Class is officially over! Please check the closing post and don't forget to fill out the questionnaire 🙇🏻♂️
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #3 (Oct 9, 2018): Grades for week 1 homework are recorded. Feel free to keep an eye on this spreadsheet (BC4-1810 tab at the bottom) throughout the month. Please let me know if I miss anything!
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #2 (Oct 3, 2018): 4 mighty Citizens have heeded the call to become Volunteer Assistants (VA's). They are: silentheart00,
csehz, and
galledark. This means that between the 5 of us, there should always be a helpful presence both in this homepage thread and your individual homework threads throughout the month. Thank you VA's!
CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #1 (Oct 1, 2018): Class is officially in session! Check the syllabus below for Week 1's focus and assignments. Begin watching the pre-recorded courses if you haven't already and I'll see you tomorrow at the first Live Event! 💡
Welcome to the CGCookie Class: Shading & Lighting with Blender! The art of shading and lighting your Blender scenes and models can make or break your renders. It's a very important - even enlightening - skill to develop as a 3D artist.
This "Class" format invites all Citizen members to focus together on a particular topic/skill for a month. Participation looks like this:
WHEN? The class will take place from October 1st - Oct 30th.
Abstract: There are some core concepts to lighting and shading (S&L) that need to be understood first. Things like global illumination, render engines, shaders, materials, and node networks some of the things we will be over-viewing this first week. I
Goal of the Week: Familiarize (or re-familiarize) ourselves with core S&L concepts.
Pre-recorded course to watch:
Week 1 Live Event (Remember to RSVP)
Abstract: The Eevee render engine is the latest and greatest rendering tech in Blender and we're going to stretch its legs for week 2. The subject is going to be a sports car, but any vehicle will do. After all many of us spent this past June modeling vehicles and we're eager to get them lit and pretty!
Some topics we'll cover along the way include materials like car paint, rubber, metal, and leather along with HDRI environment lighting.
Pre-recorded courses to watch:
Week 2 Live Event (Don't forget to RSVP)
Abstract: Character lighting is a very intentional art and how to do it well is often a mystery. This week we'll look at how to develop striking character renders, build simple materials that accentuate your model, and even the concept "painting" you character with light for surreal effects.
Pre-recorded courses to watch:
Week 3 Live Event (Don't forget to RSVP)
Abstract: Arch viz rendering is often a coveted skillset among lighten enthusiasts. This week we're looking at lighting interior architecture for realism, featuring natural outdoor light from windows and artificial light from light fixtures. We'll also explore creating the necessary materials for our interior.
Pre-recorded course to watch:
Week 4 Live Event (Don't forget to RSVP)
This thread is reserved for CG Cookie Citizens that are participating in the "Shading & Lighting with Blender" class. Its purpose is to serve as central communication for all participating Citizens (excluding Hobby plan Citizens) to ask Kent and fellow participants questions and to post homework. As the instructor of the class, Kent will be monitoring this thread on a daily basis (especially Mon-Thurs) throughout the month of October to review homework and answer questions.
Free members are welcome to observe the thread but please respect that communication and participation is reserved for Citizens.
I have just also managed to watch the recorded stream, nice to have such wrap up when everybody has the released good feeling after so lot of work during the month.
Relating the idea of Aaron to apply badges on the CG Cookie site, would like to express a big +1 for it.
In that system we must register backwards the All-Star Hall of Fame in 2018 from Classes:
BC1-1801 - January Class - Katerina Novakova ( shiennar ) - 190 XP
BC2-1803 - March Class - Matthew Ullrey ( ullreym ) - 180 XP
BC3-1806 - June Class - Aaron Rudderham ( thecabbagedetective ) - 178 XP
BC1-1808 - August Class - Miranda van Elst & Aaron Rudderham ( ssmurfmier1985 & thecabbagedetective ) - 195 XP
BC4-1810 - October Class - Pavel Mazanik ( nekronavt ) - 176 XP
Pavel congratulations for being the best student in October by the highest XP, especially thanks for guiding me how to make a glass material in 2.8 and so Eevee for the car :-)
Also it was a nice gesture in the stream from Kent remembering to yyukinoh1989 , Yukino take care and try to be in balance with the hard Blender work and resting.
Seeing the final results from the 2018 classes in the report card there could be maybe a 'Class Marathonist' badge for Katerina Novakova ( shiennar ), Jere Haapaharju (
swikni ) and Zsolt Cseh (oops that is me proudly), who participated in all the 5 classes.
So really just take care and have a good blending everyone, although surely going to meet in other threads yet before of the 2019 workshops
Just filled in the questionary.
I wonder for next year will there be like a schedule or a planning that you guys make?
csehz thanks. I sure will yesterday had the contrôle of my dokter to see how I progress. She increased medication to help me sleep better but my heart rate and blood pressure are getting more stable. It might take some time but I am already happy that it slowly got a bit better. Next week I'll have a scan of my head so hope this time that also will be already a bit better.
Biggest takeaway for me from the class was:
I had that scene of the apartment that I kept saying I had to lit and render properly, also a car render on my list, and never got around to those, because sure sure, I'll get to them soon... and months went by... then comes the class and suddenly there is a deadline and a teacher who's keeping tabs on you and you can only dedicate chunks of a saturday's and a sunday's, and that is not enough time, but turns out it gets you going for plowing through creative frustrations and finally getting around accomplishing some goals. And you'd think that planning and having discipline would take care of it, maybe it's the equivalent of playing tennis without a net or soccer with your hands.
mmalhomsi Learning animation is next for me, want to learn how to make a cool micro-short like the Halloween Melvin!
Also continue improving modeling,shading, lighting.
That's what I will be doing the next months until the next workshop. After that I'll see 😊
What are your plans?
ssmurfmier1985 we cant stop u Miranda !! u r Learning with the speed of light ! i can see u doing ur first micro_short befor 2019 !!
for myself i ll spend time studying other artists work , this class kick my ass hard ..i ll still concentrat on character creation ,for the next 2 monthes i 'm going to finish a stylized project ( a tribute to toriyama) but for now i mgoing for a Kratos ( god of war game ) sculpture, so i can use it as a base for the light matches excercises.. more personal project , i need to learn English..i m too limited by my actual level :)
mmalhomsi Continue to improve my portfolio, tailoring it into the area I would like to work in if that thing of Canada pans out, so doing more modeling, shading and lighting. I'll try to make a big project that I can sank the most details I can into it. I would like to do more animation and rigging but I have to focus in one area only and not go the too generalist way.
nekronavt Lol, sunglasses on your bust 😂 I will start a poly book when I make my first animation after the animation fundamentals course so I have something to show (a rolling cube or something 😛). Looking forward to your sculpts!! 😎
mmalhomsi Kratos, coolll!! Can't wait to see that 😃
dostovel Canada better let you come, they're missing out on some talent if they don't! Good luck with creating some awesome portfolio pieces 😊
Totally understand the generalist thing, you can always learn more animation in your own time once you made it to Canada 😉👍🏻
I'm not sure what I like most or what I'm best at, have only touched the tip of the iceberg in my few months of learning Blender. So my longer term goal for the next couple of years is building a broad basis with modeling, shading, lighting, animation, game dev. Finding out what I like most. After that I'll choose a direction to specialize in 😊
I'm going for the 'Class Marathonist' badge next year!
ssmurfmier1985 I know Miranda, you absolutely having the consistent approach for that
BTW : what is every body future blender plans .??
mmalhomsi Good question, well first of all I would like to summarize some notes for myself from the October class, as there are some treasures in the depth of the recorded lives streams, for example when Kent shows the fake fresnel method or using curves to have more variety in the noise patterns. I need to search them that in which video at which minutes they were, with the target to not lose these valuable information. Eventually also create some cheat sheet kind of guides to create typical materials fast by the Principled Shader.
Then as I got a drawing table to my birthday, would like to practice sculpting. Also would like to continue my pioneer researches how to make nice infographics in Blender through Python programming.
Plus of course waiting for the final release of 2.8 :-) So practicing there in advance
mmalhomsi mine is to first rest and finish the class piece. Then continue learning and work further onto my Pokémon project and participate in future events,contest and classes
@theluthier This was my first live class on cgcookie and I had a blast. It was fun. It was tough. It was eye-opening. Thanks to Kent for good-natured, informative streams. A great mentor. And thanks to the rest of you friendly, talented artists in the class who shared their work and experience. Till next time...
mmalhomsi I've been slowly working on an animated short for a music video. Busy building train models and props. Trying to be patient with it and keep it as simple as possible. So much to learn doing it though.
What a great month! Once more, thank you Kent @theluthier for making this (learning) happen, and for everyone that participated. This group has been so great and it's so inspiring watching all of those awesome submissions.
We'll meet again at the next.. I mean the first Workshop.
This is it, it's the end, it's unpinned now, this thread will slowly sink to the bottom of the threads floor, like Rose letting go of a frozen Jack.
ssmurfmier1985 Nurished and cared by sea turtles, currents took him to an undiscovered land, unsure of his past.