KAY-9 Contest - Discussion and In Progress Thread

Contests and Challenges

This page is for discussion and in progress pics on the new contest! 

We have the full contest HERE but for those that want to share your thoughts and pictures along the way, post them on this discussion page! 

Be sure to submit your final entries on the contest submission page and to share any other comments and pictures here! Good luck everyone and I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!
  • ki replied

    I know this has probably been asked but is it due tonight at 12am (morning of sept 30th) or tomorrow night 12AM (night of sept 30th)?

  • Mathias Osland(zychomat) replied

    It should be, and it would make sense that we would have 30 days to finish this. If it isn't (which would be awful because I won't be able to finish until tomorrow) then they made a mistake. I am not 100 % sure though.

  • Chanyanuch R(chanyad) replied

    I just wonder can we edit an entry we submited cuz i wanna fix the detail since there is one day left

    here is my work... what do you guys think is it too less like suit and tie stuff? im now worrying about that.. cuz others look cleary suit and tie

  • velu replied

    Lets see how this turns out. Best of luck to all of us!
    Also, yes, I'm giving her a crowbar-sword D:


  • Mathias Osland(zychomat) replied

    This is the process of how I made my character. I started out with drawing a few simple sketches. I have never drawn a suirt before, so this is fun.

    This is the thumbnail phase, small simple sketches of varying designs. They aren't crazy because I wanted the final outcome to be somewhat realistic, and I couldn't break that. 

    here are more refined sketched/ideas. I wasn't sure what I wanted with the suit. It is amazing how subtle changes can create a completly different design. I wanted the suit to be formal and real to life, but slightly unqie with character. I ended up picking something like the one on the bottom left, with the suit hiding some contents which he may be carrying.This is the final idea of my character. I had to find out what sort of colour I wanted for him. He represents a fox, so I liked how his hair is shaped like ears and it is red as well! He wears tweed suits, which has very earth like colours, which I think fits the fox theme a foxes are wild canines. I picked the green suit and made it more gray like the one on the right. His sachel carries information, gear and weapons from the bunny gang (or so it could). His weapon of choice is a French scabbard. This is to highlight his elegance as the French designs are very beautiful. Other things which is seen on the final illustration of the character is improvised. This is due to time constraints.

  • kyle baerlocher(kylebaer) replied

    here is all my process for my kay9 piece 

  • iamknot replied

    Some quick feedback for the contest:

    I would like to see a change so that the contest entries are on an endless scroller instead of pages. As soon as it got to 3-4 pages I at least were more likely to skip something.

    Like on artstation, it would be nice to be able to pick a- or crop your image so that the thumbnail is actually somewhat appealing. Right now it's just centered I believe. 

    There are also a lot of questions at the start of every contest. Some at least are tied to the theme and thus can't be answered in the general FAQ that you made ahead of time. So I would encourage you to be more active in the forums around these times. Even if it's only once a week that you take an hour or two to answer stuff. It does a lot.

    And lastly. A very personal opinion, so I would love to hear what others think as well. Please don't always have repeating themes. Fall is always halloween, winter is always candy, spring (which, I imagine, is really what this one would have been) is the gangs. I would love to see different themes, different challenges. What about creatures, architecture, landscapes, vehicles or even sequential art like comics or storyboards. If it's always the same it becomes a somewhat skewed of the concept art industry. You're gonna have to do a lot more than drawing final renders of characters in a single angle. 

    Just food for thought. 

  • Jonathan Amador(esmiond) replied

    So the contest is over now! When will the announcement for the winners happen? :)