• t

    Moin moin Omar

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Moin moin

  • Ben Reichel(notcastanza)

    Hi tobles

  • t


  • Ben Reichel(notcastanza)

    I come from traditional programming background so it's interesting to see how visual scripting is becoming a real thing.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Coolness.....I know little about the normal scripting languages like C# and that's probably the biggest obstacle for me as far as any kind of gamedev goes.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez)

    Great, we'll be going back and forth between C# scripts and Visual Scripting. Essentially I create the scripts first then I convert them within the stream. So everyone gets a taste of both.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    That sounds like a noble aim, Ben :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    The Dude, Lebowski

  • silentheart00

    That sounds awesome Ben!

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In this third part of the tank game asset creation live stream we will finish off the main mechanics of the tank by covering the tank shooting. This will involve procedurally animating the tank turret move in and out upon firing along with controlling the movement of the turret with a delay. This will finish off the movement and firing mechanics of the tank allowing us to add additional features such as a HUD, Health and special FX.