In this third part of the tank game asset creation live stream we will finish off the main mechanics of the tank by covering the tank shooting. This will involve procedurally animating the tank turret move in and out upon firing along with controlling the movement of the turret with a delay. This will finish off the movement and firing mechanics of the tank allowing us to add additional features such as a HUD, Health and special FX.
Is Unreal free to download like Unity is? What are the differences?
We've discussed introducing Unreal Engine content as I think that would be more "artist friendly" and it's also a professional engine. For now though we'll stick with Unity as we're more geared towards Blender content with some Unity thrown in.
I haven't used it personally. I've heard good things about it but honestly don't think it's at a point worth teaching it at the moment.
I'm not expecting you guys to switch gears or anything; but just out of curiosity, have you taken a look at Godot and do you have any thoughts about it?
well game dev works well with everything you'd learn here as well. I'm trying to create more content that bridges that gap more and more.
Since I started on CGC my goal has always been 3D art/animation, and VFX. But watching your streams has been getting me curious about learning Unity as well.
Hello Jonathan! Looking forward to it.
Hey Jake! We'll be starting in about 40 mins everyone.
Some entertainment while you wait: