• Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Ah okay, yeah I think I remember the trouble you were having during it.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez)

    No, that stream had too many drops I just decided not to upload it.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    I don't see it in the Past Events list.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Did your Part 2 livestream not get uploaded, Jonathan?

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Good point - I suppose the percentage is better for low-money generators than for higher ones.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez)

    Yeah it just depends on how well your game is doing. If you make $1million you might regret a 5% royalty.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Ha, surely by the time you're making $100k, a $150/mo sub isn't a hardship. But Unreal requires the royalty no matter what you're making? I guess that's less attractive, but a 5% fee instead of a flat subscription also scales well for people who aren't making lots of money on their games.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez)

    With Unity if you make $100k or more you need to get a license, but it's like $30-150 a month depending which subscription you get.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Regarding Godot - yes I've heard opinions by adopters; the people who use it seem to absolutely love it. But it's also my impression that it's still in the early stages.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez)

    It is free to download. The main differences are that usually you'll need a more powerful machine to run it and Unreal has a royalty fee when you create games. I think it's like 5%.

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In this third part of the tank game asset creation live stream we will finish off the main mechanics of the tank by covering the tank shooting. This will involve procedurally animating the tank turret move in and out upon firing along with controlling the movement of the turret with a delay. This will finish off the movement and firing mechanics of the tank allowing us to add additional features such as a HUD, Health and special FX.