Homework Challenge: Kitbash Creations

Homework Challenge: Kitbash Creations and Make Stomp Posable for 3D Printing

This chapter’s homework has two parts.

First, download several models from Printables and kitbash them into a unique creation—this could be something functional or purely for fun. In the second part, download the VonBots Rig file by Wayne Dixon (download it here) and the ball and socket joint created by Porter Nielsen on these Course Files. 

Your task is to make the model “Stomp” 3D printable and add joints to make its legs posable.

If you have a 3D printer, print your kitbashed creation and the poseable Stomp. Be sure to test the strength of the joints on Stomp to ensure they can hold up during articulation.

Take a photo and send it here for the team to review!

3D Printing Beginner Projects