Final Challenge: Create and Print Your Masterpiece

Final Challenge: Create and Print Your Masterpiece to Showcase Your 3D Skills

Take a moment to reflect on your journey and all that you’ve achieved. From understanding manifold objects, normals, and scale, to mastering slicing in PrusaSlicer, you’ve come a long way.

You now have the skills to create unique models, apply and combine modifiers, and adapt existing models to meet your needs. It’s impressive to think about how much you’ve learned.

For your final homework assignment, you’ll put everything you’ve learned to the test. Create a high-quality model that showcases your imagination and creativity.

Prepare the file in PrusaSlicer, and if you have access to a 3D printer, print your model. Take a photo and upload it here to be graded! 

We can’t wait to see the incredible designs you come up with!

3D Printing Beginner Projects