BC4-1810 Homework, silentheart00


My homework thread for the October Class-shop.

Homework Submission Week #1

Shading a Toy Truck

Did this a long while ago.

Lighting a Simple Bedroom

Another one done a long while ago.

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    silentheart00 Nice details. Good idea to add some close up images so they get noticed. There could be some more environment light but I know that it's difficult to keep the atmosphere if it's too bright.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    silentheart00 Yeah those different looks in lookdev and rendered are a pain sometimes , you achieved the moodiness though so good attempt!

    Light match is nice very close 😊

  • Kent Trammell replied

    silentheart00 You picked a hard one for your light match. The more I study your source the less I seem to understand what kind of light setup it is 😅 There's clearly at least one strong red light but I can't tell where it's coming from. That said, I think you're pretty close. I would have liked to see you match the background gradient. But still it's a solid effort: A in my book.

    Are you posting final arch viz images soon? The overarching note I have from the WIPs is that it's too dark. I'd like to see you brighten it up so we can see all the cool stuff going on.

  • silentheart00 replied

    @theluthier What's too dark that you can't tell what's going on but dark enough to be moody?  What's the thinking/guidelines/balance to something like that?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    silentheart00 I don't mean to suggest dark isn't a good mood to go for. I just think dark isn't the same as dim. Darkness can be achieved with colors (blues and purples for example) without being so dim that it's hard to tell what's what. Currently your scene feels too dimly lit imo more than it conveys a certain mood. If the viewer gets the feeling that the image is too dim to understand the contents then why does it exist, you know?

    Granted I don't know exactly which mood you're going for, but here's some examples of dark and moody scenes that are still lit appropriately and not too dim:

    Hopefully those are helpful to convey what I mean. I like the work you've done and I like the effort toward dark and moody! It's just a shame that I can't make out the details clearly due to the dim lighting.

    Does that make sense?

  • silentheart00 replied

    @theluthier Yeah, I see where you're coming from.  I'll have a good think about it and see if I can find a solution.