Wouldn't it be an idea to open a pinned thread in which users could suggest things/ topics they would like to learn more about? There propably would be a huge variety of ideas and a course takes some time but it might be helpful for instructors to see if a large amount of users want to learn more about a specific topic. I for example would love to learn more about creating game assets (similar to the weapon course) or how to build an atual scene full of assets. Also a course on how to create an interior visualization and use textures and lighting to make it look as photorealistic as possible (similar to the architectual visualization course) would be awesome.
Just an idea on how the website could be improved.
williamatics Thanks for your support William
thecabbagedetective The homework for the upcoming class is actually what inspired this idea :-)
REQUEST: How about a course or class about external renderers? One lesson or week could be about Luxrender, another about Octane, another about Vray, etc.
I'd like to see an expanded course on compositing still images in Blender. The current Fundamentals course does impart a lot of information and covers each node's individual function; but then you get the exercise where you have to submit an image with the unaltered render on one side and your composited render on the other. But, the goals given for the composite are somewhat vague; you can add steam if you choose, and there is a suggestion to make the image "warmer", but not much guidance beyond that.
I think an "intermediate compositing" course could say provide a couple different example scenes, and give more specific tasks for each one. Scene 1, create both a "warmer" and a "cooler" treatment. Scene 2, take a mirror-glossy floor reflection and blur it or distort it. Scene 3, add some DOF or light bloom effects, or something fancy with saturation, or lighten/darken. Whatever, that kind of thing.
please make a character modeling course. I really want to learn character modeling
nnoobita0004 There already are 4 courses for that, sadly only for male characters.
bbsdwerbeagentur great point Julian B, I would love to see a course on female character modeling!
ssmurfmier1985 there is a cgcookie channel in youtube , you can find the female character modeling there .
can you make videos on " how to texture the character in blender or maybe sustance painter"
there is very less content on texturing the human or other organic models, it will be helpfull if you make the course on it!
nnoobita0004 There is, but it's a little dated; essentially box- and edge-modeling. And I suppose that's still a perfectly valid way of doing it; but sculpt-and-retop seems to be the preferred modern method. And, things like realistic skin shading and an updated treatment of particle hair could be integrated as well.
To be fair though, I bet a course on-par with the male realistic character creation course, which doesn't just cover the body but also hair, clothes, and some simple composition, would take quite a long time to produce.
I want a female character modeling course to complement the male one as well; just make sure there isn't any nudity.
I would also really like a course about drawing your own blueprints.
aalientro Yes we do. I was the one that pinned this thread. I'm probably the only active instructor in this thread but it's not to say the other instructors are not aware.
that would indeed be helpfull. Would love to see this too. i also wonder how to make good 3D reference images
I think it would be helpful to do a course about the differences between 2.79 and 2. 8 (when the official version comes out), because there are plenty. And I think beginners will be pretty confused about stuff that's missing, stuff that's in a different place, hot keys that are changed, etc. I know I am! I imagine it will take you guys a pretty long time to update all the courses so perhaps a short 'watch this first' course on this will be a good start.
Also, when 2.8 comes out I would like a rendering course for eevee :) and maybe something about when best to use eevee and when best to use cycles.
Hello. i am not sure if this could be turned into a course. Or perhaps this is already here but maybe i didnt noticed it yet.
But i would like to see a course how to determinate if youre a beginner,advanced or more like a master to (modeling etc)
Or how to keep improving and know where to improve.
What i also would love to see is a course about how to make reference images for 3D modeling like mentioned before .
That indeed might be a nice idea . If you have a character design and you want to model it, so it could be later animated etc, how to get a correct character reference.
yyukinoh1989 I think the best way to find out is to try to complete a few courses of different difficulty. If you can consistently complete beginner courses but have trouble with intermediate courses, you are a beginner. If you can consistently complete intermediate courses but have trouble with advanced courses, you are intermediate, etc.
That is indeed true . Didnt tought about that :p
As for this moment i first am trying someting out and then i continue other courses :)