This event is part of the October 2018 Class, "Shading & Lighting with Blender"
Eevee is the cutting-edge realtime render engine that ushers in the modern PBR standard to Blender. The results are stunning and it's an absolute blast to work so interactively.
This weeks material concepts are are car paint, reflectivity, fresnel, leather and metal along with HDRI lighting.
Wilco Wilbrink, try taking screenshots and anotate notes on them.
True that
That's because your not a lady ccarrotnl 😛
I'm gonna have to watch the stream again in a few days. As soon as I try to follow the steps in blender, I get stuck. Can't listen and do at the same time.
QUESTION BELOW xD forgot the word
could you perhaps show how to do like one scratch procedurally or not ?
ah ok thanks got confused
n647 I think transmission is just for transparency - like glass
Jack, I have very briefly googled Gore orphanage. Poor orphans perished in fires. Same thing happen happened to an orphanage in Ireland. I will pray for those poor orphans' souls.