Modeling Efficiently with Modifiers
This is another "2-hr project" with emphasis on modeling optimally with modifiers. In other words: Coaxing Blender to do work for us. Over all the model is pretty simple and straight forward but we do want to be mindful of structural authenticity and detail since the camera will be close to the lantern.
Rendering for Realism...with Cycles
Spoiler: Cycles wins this one 🥇. Though I will likely start blocking in my materials and lighting with Eevee, I find that Cycles produces superior results for up-close realism. It's worth noting that this is the first project in months that I've felt necessary to use Cycles.
[Q] I noticed that 64 for the tiles actually gives me faster render with GPU (used to be around 512)
panboy You can probably save the changes as your default settings ..?
i hate that you have to turn on all those visablity filters now, its a really annoying change to the ui
Poor Cycles it is now considered stone age technology
save Kent
Linux Luke can handle it
Oh you can control click to add a flag, did not know that
oddly i think the blue part is actually the hotest but the white is more light in the visual spectrum
he said cycles crashes when you change so I said.....SAVE
You can get the honorable mention tho