In honor of the spookiest month, each week in October I'm going to be hopping on a stream to sculpt a goblin character with Blender. The little guy was designed by our very own Mr. Tim Von Rueden!
At this point, we've rounding second base on this sculpture. We need to finish roughing-in any spots we've missed, like the leather pouch backpack thing and the ropey bits. And I'd like to start pass 3 where we ramp up the details.
Come hang out. Learn some character modeling tricks-o-the-trade. Bring your questions about Blender, modeling, sculpting, CGC, art, movies, music - whatever - and let's have some Halloween-themed fun.
CC Music Attribution
Thanks Jonathan, yes, that's the better workflow I've found as well. I believe I saw it first from you
Yeah, that clears a ton up. Thanks.
That way the final bake still comes from the multires
That's true John, so usually I'd use Dynotopo for the initial sculpt, do my retopology, and then add a multires modifier and sculpt the super high res details last. Does that make sense?
It's cool that the screw modifier has an iteration value. You need no array modifier.
yah I learned that all in the Sculpting Courses. My earlier question kinda related to bakes, and how dyntopos triangles apparently don't make for the best normal bakes.
Oh right.
Multires keeps topology consistent too.
Question asker here. I was kind of wondering when it becomes appropriate to use a multires.
It comes down solely to performance?
agreed matt, I was just curios