This event concludes the August 2018 Class, "Getting Started with 3D Modeling & Blender"
Guys. We made it! Another class concludes; another batch of Blenderheads born. This week we're taking it pretty easy: Looking back at week 4 homework, karaoke, zen meditation, and fielding any questions you have about 3D modeling and/or Blender 2.8.
Oh crap
Check sampling. High value can cause freeze like this.
f11 won't close it either?
That can be changed in Render (top left corner) - Display mode
Soooo realtime :D
standard for portrait would be 50- 60 mm lens with 1.8 - 2.8 f stop
giant walee more eficient for its job?
I tried use the depth of field it on my staircase but was unabel to get it right
yeah he's a giant 😛
for bokeh effect