This is a quick introduction to what we will be learning in this course, plus a quick video showing the settings I use for my version of Blender. This will help explain those few instances where you push the same button as me and Blender does something different.
Let's begin at the start and learn all about rigs/armatures, bones/controls.
In this chapter you will learn all the main concepts of rigging. Grab a pen and paper, and bring your thinking cap.
In this chapter we will look at nearly every one of the bone constraints. Although we won't be using every one in this course, it's important to at least have an understanding of what each one can do.
This chapter is all about weight painting.
You will learn all the tools and settings, the dos and don'ts plus you'll get to do some actual weight painting.
It's time to get some practical experience with these things called constraints!
Plus you will learn all about those famous Bendy Bones!
You are now at the pointy end of this course. Let's practice what we have learned and build 4 usable rigs.
-Stretchy Bendy Rig
-Laser Gun Turret (pew pew pew)
-A Crane Arm
-Bouncing Ball rig
You can do it!
Now that you've made it to the end. What's next?