REV: Model a Low Poly Muscle Car

Chunck Trafagander

In this mini-course, we will explore creating a lower-poly styled muscle car entirely in Blender, completely from scratch.

Our main goal is learning both Blender and 3D modeling through the application of these skills in a fun, accelerated project that will produce a visually awesome result. We will also discover how we can apply different shader techniques to give our model texture, bringing life into our model and offering us endless variety of looks through customizable parameters.

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Awarded upon completion:
100xp +
Course Curriculum
5 Reviews
  • โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
    Ethan Stover(z3ddicus) ยท

    Fun asset to model. Enjoyed getting to grips with some techniques I haven't used yet.

  • d
    Drew Alkemade(drummy1) ยท

    Thanks Chunck, really enjoyed this.  I thought doing the handles and mirror base models and then linked duplicates to the live models was a very clever way to deal with them.

    • author Wes Burke(wesburke) ยท

      Thanks for taking the course, and I'm happy it helped in some way! 

  • โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
    Brad Wheeler(brad-nbo) ยท

    This was a fun, easy to follow and instructive mini course I learned a number of great techniques and a straightforward workflow. My first real looking car! Thanks for the course!

  • M
    Magnality (Magnality) ยท
    Learnt so many neat tricks that can also be applied in other situations. Thanks for putting this up!
  • โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
    Martin Aversa(cgtin) ยท

    Loved the course, I learnt a few new tricks and ways to think to boost up my modelling :)

    Its always fun to do low poly models!
    Thanks Chunck!