Fixing topology after boolean.

Hello guys,

can someone give me a good advice how to fix the topology here?

I want to stay only with quads.

Thank you Rob.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Why only quads? Isn't this a hard-surface model? I'd recommend this free 'handbook' (they're actually videos):

    There's a link in the description.

  • Robert Sivák(rogi92) replied

    Yes it is but i want this model to be only in quads, i always prefer quads. : )

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Yes it is but i want this model to be only in quads, i always prefer quads. : )

    You can do that by making a lot more edge loops and connecting things with quad junctions, but I'd echo spikeyxxx . In this case it's going to take you a lot more time for what will likely end up being a mesh that's harder to work with. I come from the all quads school of modeling as well but in some very specific cases it's actually a step backwards. The loops will make the shape harder to modify in the future. A few connections so that the under-the-hood triangles won't stretch should be all you need. 

  • Robert Sivák(rogi92) replied

    Thank you for info.I agree with both of you.I just want to stay with quads cause this is my first complex model without tutorial and i want it in quads just for practice and understand good topology and edges flow.