Just starting my individual thread.
ppfbourassa so after looking closer they need to shift over just a touch more. They are still colliding if I remember correctly.
also your hydraulic lines need a little adjustment because they are intersecting with your bucket. Sorry for the late catch homie.
The green and red from the top ortho photo need to shift left just a smidge and it will fit perfectly!
Just read the last couple of comments and let me know if that makes sense ppfbourassa.
Hey Parker ppfbourassa. Take a look at this and see if that makes sense. There are intersecting meshes in 4 places (and then this is mirrored to the other side, so technically there are 8 intersections). They should all be super easy fixes and just a matter of sliding geometry over.
@theluthier Here's another M.O.L.E. item for the google worksheet. I'll add a comment for it but I can't post pics on it.