CG Cookie Dough's Polybook

I just figured, why not?

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    This is my submission.

    I feel pretty confident in this. For this one, looks like I didn't get critique from anyone during this, so this is purely me and my ideas.
    If there was more time, I would have put more work into the crops, and add in some buildings too. 

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    Uhh.... the kid tricked me. He didn't even do anything. This is what he said, "That's pretty good. I rly suck at blender, I just wanted to see what u could make"

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Well, that's still a win for you then;)

    If he didn't make anything, yours is even infinitely better.

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    I'm back in the world of art again. I took a break from blender to focus on other things for a while. I think I'll spend more or less, 30 minutes a day on it. You could say a took a break to study anatomy, but not from an artistic standpoint. I have a reference for what it looks like to be "Cut," Me! I'm working on my way to getting to Jacked, but I might settle for Ripped. Who knows!

     Good all of this is just a hobby, because I can just drop everything if I need to.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Welcome back :) , I look forward to seeing what you come up with next! 

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    Just leave it to life to get your hopes up for one thing, then turn around and give you something else. I don't know if I'll be doing Blender even 30 mins a day, but I just landed my first full time job... and I'm on the brink of finishing up high school. I really don't know what to expect right now.

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    *Big, deep sigh*
    Well, I spent more time on this one than I would like to admit. Got most of it ready for 3D printing. I still have to stylize the handle. I have all the joints and what not to make it move like it should. I have most of the connector pieces done. I probably didn't need to spend as much time as I did on topology, but I got most of it spic and span.
    I think it's safe to say I graduated the treasure chest tutorial. I will paint the 3D printed model in a similar way as was shown in the tutorial for the chest. I don't know if I have the will power to paint it in blender too.

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    Wow, I never knew the satisfaction of a four month project finally coming out as planned would feel so good.

    Here's what I have so far: