• smurfmier1985 replied

    mamo yes I believe it is the thickness of the glass. 5mm would be the more realistic value, however after playing with the value I found the one nekronavt used work best for the glass of my car, so I think Eevee still needs a bit of fine tuning by the developers on this point. I recommend just playing around with the value till you find one that suits your scene 😊

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    @mamo I think so. But you should keep in mind that the whole car is overscaled and relative to it 5mm glass will be like a piece of paper.

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied



    5mm or 0.1m gave me really almost unnoticeable  different results changed instead screen space reflection thickness and some bump in the asphalt and carbon fiber

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    another version

  • silentheart00 replied

    mamo I've fallen behind a bit.  Your lighting match looks good and I agree with the critiques so far.  Both versions of your car look nice and I'm glad the community helped figure out why the glass was acting so wonky.  Good work.

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied



    and Lighting Match #2  

    original on Artstation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oDank

    trying to match light using the model by blazer003  https://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/13887 

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    mamo Great job on the goblin lighting him, though would be nice to have more of a background to ground him. The color match I think is okay, but no where near as dynamic as the source.

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    @theluthier When you have time, could you share your light-matching exercises files.

    Thanks, Marco

  • Kent Trammell replied

    mamo Yes I'd like to package all the light matches together for you guys to have access to. I won't have time to do that over the next couple days but hopefully later this week I can!

    Sorry I missed your week 3 homework till now. Your goblin is looking really nice; very strong, dramatic lighting overall. Crisp rim light and fine surface bump are great. My only negative note is that the background is black and there's no floor. I talked a lot about those things in week 4's stream if you want more details. It's a B+ from me 👍

    Your light match is tricky to judge because the subject matters are so different. Action pose yoda vs neutral, blank-faced Homer Simpson. For one the lighting isn't *that strong* in my opinion in the source. A little on the bland side despite being a pro render from a major game release of a major franchise. It's not bad just not memorable or special. The background gradient is very smooth in the source but it's sharp in your render where the light cone is clearly visible. Still from what I can tell in the source, it looks like a single light from above and slightly behind which is what you have + and environment light. In that respect yours is a match.

    All that to say it's a convoluted match. So a C+ from me.