• Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    theluthier  noticed that in the render there are some artifacts that in viewport are not visible not understanding why

  • silentheart00 replied

    mamo I feel like it has something to do with the reflection of something, how Eevee is handling reflections in this case.  Let me see if Pavel can help.

  • silentheart00 replied

    nekronavt Can you help?

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    silentheart00 if u want I could send to u the file

    it looks more a problem of Eevee

    or it's like after rendering it moves the geometry

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    do you mean in the shadows? that could just be a matter of turning up the shadow quality on the render properties settings.

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    Hmmm... Now I 'm looking at one of my renders and I'm seeing the banding in the shadows like that too... tried messing with the shadow settings and doesn't seem to be doing anything. could be an effect of the way they're calculated in Eevee?  

    but I also only really notice it when I'm hyper zoomed in... when I'm at a 1:1, it's barely noticeable.

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    silentheart00 I can try :)

    mamo could you provide a blend file to look at your problem closer?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    At this point Pavel might be the best person to ask! But please do post a download link to your .blend file. I'd like to take a look as well.

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied


    Light matching

     artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EBQan  mine on model by paritosh : https://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/86595

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    mamo Not sure if this is an effect of the material or the lighting, but the rim seems sharper on the goal than on your result, but otherwise, looks like a pretty good match. Nice work on the car!

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    nekronavt Can you help?

    That is sweet :D :D

    But that is fact if nekronavt Pavel tries something that is going to produce solution :-)

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Excellent work this week mamo. Your vehicle looks good; very clean render. I only have 2 minor notes:

    1. Reflection wonkiness where the car meets the ground. I've seen this happening a lot on Eevee renders this week, where the reflections just seem to cut off on the ground close to the car. I believe the issue has to do with the "Thickness" setting of Eevee's screen space reflections. Try increasing that value till the reflections continue properly underneath the car.
    2. The ground texture could use some bump. It looks like the ground has a good asphalt texture but without a bump it starts to look like a massive black granite countertop. Converting the texture to a bump map could be that extra touch it needs.

    Again those are minor. B+ from me on this half of the homework.

    Your light match is quite good as well, though with one overarching note: Breadth of light coverage. In the source render, all lights are concentrated mostly as rim lights. It creates a unique setup; very strong for characters/busts. In your render the lights are positioned to illuminate more of the statue rather than primarily the rim. It makes for a much softer result - which isn't bad, it's just not quite the same. I tried to illustrate an example of corresponding gradients:

    Hope that helps. Yours is still appealing but not a 100% match. Another B+ from me.

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    silentheart00 the problem is in the mesh the only solution for the moment seems to be transforming all to mesh. It's something due to the scale of the object but ctrl+a not working

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    nekronavt If you want to check I have attached the files. 


  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    @theluthier I have attached the files could you send me the corrections maybe underlining changes with some screenshot or with the grease pencil.


    Ps. For the car I used bump but probably the problem is in the choice of the texture

    For the rim on the statue yes I had a problem with it is too strong I burn the background is too light I don't see it, maybe compositing could be the solution

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    gradyp It was a problem with the scale of the object if you transform everything to mesh it disappears

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    gradyp yes I had a problem on setting the rim too strong I burn the background too light it's not visible.

    I attached the files maybe you could help me. 


  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    mamo I checked your file. The problem was in "Refraction Depth" value of glass material. Even with this car scale, it was too high.

    1m value : 

    0.1m value:

    It's better to scale everything to realistic sizes to prevent such confusions. 

  • Marco Modena(mamo) replied

    nekronavt thanks I hadn't seen it.

     Is refraction depth the depth of the glass?

    so 5mm could be better?