WIP epic pumpkin contest entry by Yukino Hatake

hello guys .
yep i aint standing still . i decided to give it a try and been working some days on it .
at the first day i had this pumpkin family picture in mind.
you first have the long small  pumpkin
then the little on in front will be the cute little one (yep i will try to somehow make it cute :D)
then behind the little one you have the fat one .
and on the right the creepy one
face details will be added soon if i know its somehow a good start.
still am new so i did my best (hope its not too awefull xD)
Do note that this is only the sculpted stage (without faces) and no shading yet (took some orange light :p )

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    some update for the contest

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    hey guys i am a bit stuck and hope someone could help me explain how to do this correctly .
    first of all an image of my node tree where i like some help with
    the diffuse is what holds the blood splat effect 

    and the principle is for the color of the pumpkin . but i would like them on top of each other not to mix them . since if i mix i need to put it at 0.08 to see the blood but then the pumpkin is way to dark what i dont like eighter . i hope someone can help on how this could be fixed .

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Anyone know how I can layer the blood node above the principle shader? Without mixing them? 

  • Cookie Dough(cgcdough) replied

    yyukinoh1989 I don't know the first thing about nodes. I'm just throwing out suggestions, but don't you need an add shader, not a mix shader? And wouldn't you use a ramp that has one color the blood splat and the other the rest of the texture with a texture coordinate map thingy too?

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    pprocyonlotor hey i tryed it out but i still am not getting what i want (i do get half already correctly)
    first i put in the collor ramp but it didnt worked well so i inversed the color flags and with the first blood splat it worked . but then the second isnt doing the same . these are the 2 setups i tryed

    the left bloodsplat is good but right one isnt visible . now if i switch the other collor flag too like that then this happens 
    hope someone knows what i do wrong

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    yyukinoh1989 I think that last mix shader is what is causing your problem. You can check by seeing if each one works individually. I would combine your image textures with a mix RGB node before plugging them into the shader. Then use the color ramp on the mix RGB to get your mask.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    so i should first plug in a mix rgb and then after that right away the collor ramp that is plugged into the mix shader ? is that correct or do i get it wrong ?

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Yes.  This is the setup I'm imagining.  I don't know what your images look like so you may need to play with the blend mode to get it the way you like, but it should work for you: 

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    pprocyonlotor its still not working . maybe its handy to show to file so maybe you see someting i dont .
    this is the one that you mention above
    node setup John Sanderson

    and this one is the one i got as close as i could get but in the end the last add shader isnt doing what i was thinking .
    Node setup 2 fail

    not sure if the blood splat is included in the file . if not this is the image

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    yyukinoh1989 You just needed to crush the whites a lot more, since your image entirely black with a little red, bringing up the blacks drowned out the details.  That, and switch the inputs in the mix shader. from pumpkinretopo3:

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Correction:  Your image is mostly alpha, not black.  But the red is a low value so cranking up the blacks turns it black quickly so that the color ramp doesn't output any information.  Pulling the white flag down is the key either way :)

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    pprocyonlotor and mmahir07 both thank you so much for the help.
    this is the result i have (not sure if i could somehow improve it if so let me know )