BC4-1810 homework, N647


Well lets get ready for the class then, now to keep on wathcing videos and followingthe homeworks

Homework week 4

Ok I may have gone slighly off rail with this for the archvoz, but was a interesitng challenge, wonder how realistic does look to you, even tough the scene itself is not that gorunded in reality, based on FF7 jenova room in nibel, no light match this week already ran out of time with other stuff to do sadly

Homework week 3

Lighting a character

Well no time to explain hope in, tried to go for a dramatic lighting i nthis one, shaded the goblin using EEVEE and ended up using AO only in a few lights inatead of all of them


Match lighting

Tried to match the light of a bust from https://twitter.com/FemCharlesArt, not sure its 100% but tried to get close as possible

Also playing a bit with the depht of field there also did a second render with the same light but another camera view, both rendered on cycles, due to the fur

Homework Week 2

Light scene for a carand add materials to it using EEVEE

Was a fun excercise, got to try some stuff, and sadly EEVEE still fells a bit limited in someregards but the speed to work on it is sjut such a nice trade.
For the materials, I used substance designer to make the carbon fiber texture, on the hood I added a old drawing I made to the hood to make it more interesting

render using 2 different HDRMI

Match lighting

Ok a bit late but got the match lighting part done, sadly did not had time to sculpt more detail on the model, but still has some interesting shapes I think, used one of the examples of the class since I really liked this lighting.

Render with EEVEE

Homework week 1:

Toy truck


Avoided using thep rinciple shader to practice a bit with the more traditional nodes

Lighting a room



Since I had done this excercise before I tried to model a littlescene and try match the lighting to a reference photo.


Render scene

Tried to match the light the best I could and make the scene a bit more interesting adding some props and a candlelight, aimign for getting close to sunset, did some small composite for a slight vignette and add some glare on the window

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    n647 I just saw your goblin! That is some stellar lighting! I love it. The armor looks good too.

  • n647 replied

    ok I should hacve scraped and go for soemthign mroe simple, but guess will jsut focus on it and try do as much as I can with it

    now most is done, need to work on the cables, the pods at the entrance, and then materials I guess

  • n647 replied

    @theluthier homework for week 4 updated at the top of the topic, went a bit off rails I guess

  • n647 replied

    Another angle I did to see better some cables, no composite in this one tough, and lower base resolution

  • John Fluet(cthulusan) replied

    n647 I don't know how archvizzy that is but it sure looks great.  Love the close up.   Consider varying the corrosion on the wall.  Looks a little too random.  Maybe some water streaks and grunge in the crevices. 

  • n647 replied

    ccthulusan yea, thanks for the comment, that would particularly go well under the ventilation and piping

  • Kent Trammell replied

    n647 AHHH I did miss your final week 3 submissions - Sorry about that! In fact I remember seeing your entry in Kate's reel and thinking "wait I haven't seen that one yet". I love it. Such strong, bold lighting. It even has the sharp ground plane termination but I don't mind it. It feels graphically intentional with the rest of the image. I kinda thought I would never like a sharp ground termination. An A+ in my book.

    And your light match is GREAT! Super close to the source and lovely in that last render, as a standalone bust. The model is top notch as well. Another A+ from me 👏

  • Kent Trammell replied

    You went really big with your week 4 arch viz! I was wondering if anyone would go for a sci-fi environment or not. To preface, I would categorize this as a "environment" as opposed to an "arch viz" due to it not being a established in reality. Where kitchens, living rooms, contemporary industrial factories are real places and sci-fi environments aren't. It may be semantics but it's been something on my mind this past week.

    Modeling, texturing, shading, and lighting a sci-fi scene like this is a huge undertaking for a week and you've put in a lot of work. On effort alone I'm giving you an A for this assignment. I like that you employed symmetry to get more bang for your buck but also broke that symmetry up with the tubes and couplings.

    I think the lighting overall would benefit from more contrast. Right now everything is lit up fairly uniformly from...somewhere. But you have the ingredients fo much more interesting dramatic lighting. For one the blue light at the bottom should be key, producing a big gradient that spans top to bottom. Right now it's too subtle. Then leave the shadows pretty dark for the small orange lights to play. That would also be a good opportunity for reflections to sparkle and add tons of value variety.

    It looks to me like your scene isn't actually a full cylinder and is instead open to the world on the side the camera sits. If that's the case, I'd recommend adding a night time city HDRI to get that high contrast kind of lighting I'm suggesting overall.

    These aren't exactly the same setup as your scene but they're in the direction I'm suggesting:

    Image result for beeple sci-fi

    Image result for beeple sci-fi

    Image result for beeple sci-fi

  • n647 replied

    @theluthier Thanks, on the goblin, yea that sharp ground is actually a cilinder under the legs of the goblin, so its like the terrain where he is ruuning curves and gives that edge, but is not on the background so is like part of the scene.
    As for that bsut, well I have to find the time to continue with the character, or may jsut leave it liek htis for now the bust looks ok.

    As for the week 4 homework, thanks, I had a bit more time today and worked the lighting on the pointers you gave me, there weas a small door behind the camera and I had a area light lighting inside, I changed that light for a interior warm color HDRI, the previus room is supossed ot have a redish light so it works, and changed the light inside to get more contrast and a more dramatic efect, I tried experimenting with volumetric light, but not sure how to make work so I had to drop that.

    updating on top of the topic with the latest render and a detail render.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hey your updated render is looking better! Nice job applying the notes. Good stuff 👍

  • n647 replied

    @theluthier Thanks for the pointers there, will see if I can polish things a bit more and upload it later on to the gallery, and again thanks for the class, will tyr next time have more order with the posts and uploads of advances of the WIP