BC1-1808 Homework, Jere Haapaharju


My homework thread for the  August 2018 Class

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    Week 4 Homework

    I've been working with this project after making the first version of violin and piano in 2.8. The subject was so interesting to me so I decided to make a "real" version of it with 2.79. There are some noise in the first picture (piano's hinge) that I try to correct next week but now it's time to post some results.

    My goal was to try out some lighting in the scene to really make it look like want it to be and I think it's starting to be pretty close now.  I've learned something about lighting during this by just trying things out and I think after making all of those decisions by myself, the learning experience in the next class will be so much better.

    Here are two latest renders of the scene and few earlier "studio" renders. 

    p.s. After putting the images here I realized that the left side wine class is casting a shadow on the lamp.

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    Overall, very nice :D

    the biggest thing I'm wondering about is the floor texture on the "real" scene one... They almost feel too wide but too short for floorboards. I could be wrong. That pattern looks more like you'd see on a wall than flooring to me.

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    gradyp Yes the floor texture is kind of weird and since I'm pretty sure the scale is right, I might change it. Thanks for the notice. Too many times even if something is right it doesn't mean it LOOKS right lol.

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym) replied

    That is a very classy conservatory. The choice of wallpaper makes a bold statement. Your materials and textures on the instruments are lovely. I like how you continued building on your previous homework. Taking that idea to the extreme; what would be like if you combined all of your homework projects together? Perhaps the hairless bust could be crashing the forklift into your music room or something. 🤔

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    swikni Huh, I think everyone else this week decided to either concentrate on vertex modeling or sculpting, haven't seen anyone concentrate on shading/texturing yet, so props for that! I gotta say, your previous work really comes to life here, I'm glad you decided to do it. Though I imagine after next class this'll be getting a round 2 lol.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    swikni it's coming to life beautifully, love it 😄

  • sadicus (sadicus) replied

    Your renders look fantastic! I'm looking forward to learning how to light and render scenes of this quality!
    btw, the Forklift race is still a favorite. ;)

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    swikni From the Week 1 we know that setting up a scene was quite time consuming even from primitives, while you here you did the same but with modelling the individual pieces. Plus the texturing, congratulations also for the time management :-)

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    ullreym What a great idea! Working title could be "Chaos 2.0"

    thecabbagedetective This indeed could work as a target to try out some stuff from the next class

    ssmurfmier1985 csehz Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like it

    sadicus Haha maybe the forklift race is my next remake 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    >swikni Mmm beautiful lighting work here. Just..delicious. I must second the note from gradyp about the wood floor. While the pattern is not the typical hardwood floor and thus more difficult to judge, still the grain of the wood feels 1.5x, maybe even 2x larger than is natural. I'm not sure exactly how to scientifically perfect the scale...finding a picture of this style of wood floor is going to be the best guide.

    But also it's curious that the floor has no reflections. For such a classy space I would bet big $ that the floors would be polyurethaned. Currently the matte look steals some dimension from the scene imo.

    Still, they're all very pleasing images to look at. It's an A from me this week! 

  • silentheart00 replied

    Late to the party.  Good work!  I agree with the floor critiques.  The lighting feels a touch dark, just a touch tough to see in the corner, and the bench is unnoticeable.  Nice wallpaper.