Wow, this is absolutely amazing for me personally. I never thought that after just a couple of weeks of learning in an entirely new field, my achievements would be featured in such a collection on such a big platform. Congratulations to everyone!
P.S. I was a bartender for over 15 years). I hope to build a long and fulfilling career in 3D, enjoying it much more).
thank you for the feature cgcookie crew. and congrats to everyone love to see what the community is doing its always great work
Thank you for the great courses you provide us with, and for the inclusion in the student reel !
Now that baby number two sleeps well and i am not in zombie mode all day long, i hope too achieve even better (and more regular) results next year 🙂
(Fun fact : baby number 2 is a girl, and though she was not named after it, she shares her name with a famous 3D software 😅)
Koala you named baby #2 "Blender"? Now THAT is dedication 🙃 LOL I think I know which software you mean. Beautiful name and congrats on achieving sleep!
Gets featured for a split second on CG Cookie's reel: now wants to drop everything and make planets for a living. Lol
Thanks for the mention! It was a super fun year filled with great projects from here. I'm honored to being part of such an awesome group of people!
Awesome compilation, so many great artworks! Thanks for including mine.
Now I'm wondering why I never made any shots like that out of it, only one still. Need to learn more. *heads back to the dungeon and locks the door*
Amazing work everyone! And thank you CGCookie for mentioning mine, I'm very humbled. Thank you for your continued fantastic service to the Blender community🙂
Thank you soo much for the mention :D I have learned soo much on CG cookie that was missing before.
Thanks again for all your guys hard work!!
Thank you very much for the feature, the course was awesome!!!
I'm very proud to have a project of mine among this collection of brilliant art. Thank you so much!
Honored to be featured among the many other awesome artworks!
Thanks CGCookie for providing us a great platform and courses. Congrats to everyone!
It is so motivational to see my work featured, thank you so much Kent. Now I have more confidence that I can make it in 3d.
Thanks for including me in the reel! Thanks to everyone at CG Cookie for teaching me so much. And congratulations to the other show reel artists!
Somehow I missed this post.. but yeehaw let's goooo! Ride like the wind, Bullseye! Chuffed as for the inclusion, and super impressed with the alternative lighting and camera work @theluthier