Is it possible to assign materials to specific polygons as well?

In this video, you show that you can apply a material to an object or linked components of a disconnected mesh, but can you also just highlight say a row of faces and apply a material to them?
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  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    You sure can. Once you have created your materials in different slots as shown in the video, go into edit mode and select the faces you want to have the different material on. With those selected click on the material slot of choice and hit assign. So it's the same process as before with linked components, whatever parts of the mesh you select you can give a new material, in this case the red cross on a white cube.024-09-15 225516.jpg

    • 🤘🏻
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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes, it is as Sascha explains. Things such as modifiers can alter the faces of your mesh and thus making funky things to materials, you have to be mindful of such things, but that's for the future when you're doing more complex things.

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