Weight Painting Question

Hi There, I'm on Chapter 2, Video 8: Armature Modifier - The Long Way. Timestamp 10:22. I'm unable to move the armature in Weight Painting Mode like Wayne is doing. Also, I'm unable to automatically select the Vertex Groups by hovering over the bone in Weight Painting mode. I have to manually select the Vertex Group. Any ideas? Thanks, -Scott
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  • scottfassett replied

    Ah, I see that Wayne is pressing the "R" key to rotate that bone. Still can't automatically select the Vertex Group. 



    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Scott,

    Stupid question: are you using Blender 4.2?

    1 love
  • scottfassett replied

    Hi Martin. Not stupid. I'm using 4.2. 

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  • scottfassett replied

    I just found the answer to my question regarding selecting Vertex Groups and Bones in Weight Painting mode. It was explained in Chapter 3, Lesson 7. I had to select the armature then the mesh. 


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  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Glad you got it sorted Scott :)