Are these courses meant to be done in order?

the courses seem to be out of order if so.
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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi iinsane ,

    I'd say the order isn't strict; my suggestion would be to keep Mesh Modeling, Lighting, Materials and Shading and Texturing in that order, but the rest , you can do anytime...meaning also somewhere  in between those 4...

    This is just my personal opinion!

    2 loves
  • Lindsey LaCombe(boxergirl05) replied


    I've just started a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been taking the courses in order at all. Sometimes I'll even be taking two at one time. I would say it kind of depends on the level your at skill wise. For example, I had never used blender before. I had used other software like Maya though. I started with blender basics, then moved on to some of the animation stuff, and took some of the modeling courses at the same time. I think it really just depends on what you want to do and what skill level your at! But that's just me! Hope that helped!     

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I agree with Martin as well as Lindsey's advice. It will depend on your goal, but usually the order that Martin suggested is the way to go, unless you have a very specific target, like you just want to do animation specifically. But even then I'd say know the very basics of the other disciplines as well. 

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  • Jonathan Lazaro(Jojo) replied

    look in the playlists,  i used that for awhile till i started understanding what i could do next

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The CORE courses are set out in the best order to learn each stage.
    If for example you are not interested in animation, you don't need to complete all the courses.

    It is advisable to understand rigging, animation, etc., etc., because as a modeler you will need to understand the needs of a rigger and animator to supply a model in the condition required for rigging and animating.
    Also, you will have a fuller more rounded understanding of Blender if you follow all the CORE courses.
    You don't necessarily need to pursue animation any further if you don't wish to.
    It is totally your choice.

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