"Save Startup File" Overwrites General Startup File

(4.2 release) As the title says, I saved the startup file and now even choosing "General" loads the 2D Animation workspace. The expected result was that it would only change the 2D Animation startup file.

Is this the expected behavior? If so, it might be important to note that somewhere for people (like me) who usually want to start with the General workspace layouts.

EDIT: I was able to change the default 2D Animation startup file by manually moving the appropriate startup file to the 2D Animation folder (Windows 10 path "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\config\2D_Animation")

2 loves
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    Hmm. Ok I'm going to try and replicate this issue. I did test this before demonstrating, and yes - it should ONLY update the start up you modified. So the steps are as follows:

    1. Start Blender
    2. Select "2D Animation" from list. Modify settings (add brushes, change add-ons, key bindings, etc)
    3. Go to File>>Defaults>>Save StartUp File

    Only the preset you modified should now show those modifications. All other presets should remain as they were.

    You can always "Load Factory Settings" and this should restore everything to its defaults, and try again.

    2 loves
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    When you start a new Project and select 2D Animation as the preset, then go to save defaults, do you see the menu like this?

    1 love
  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    I think I've sorted out where I went wrong. What happened was that I'd opened up one of the blend files you included in downloads. After fiddling with it a bit I cleared everything on the canvas and did Save Startup File.

    However, even though the file looks like the 2D Animation workspace when opened apparently Blender treats it differently? At any rate, the Defaults flyout didn't have the 2D Animation options and I should have considered why that was.

    1 love
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    Ah yes! That will do it! I made that mistake a LOOOOOOONG time ago! Nuclear option is only way out in that case! Restore factory settings and begin again!

    2 loves
  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Fortunately, I try to keep a backup of my startup file...or at least have one from an older version laying around...so I can just drop that in instead. Whew!

    • ❤️
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