I couldn't make the bavel modifier

Hello friends, unfortunately I cannot make the bavel changer, please help.
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

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  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    There could be a couple of things happening. There could be double vertices, so select all and M to merge by Distance. Under Geometry, try unchecking Clamp Overlap. Try applying your scale with Control + A. Keep in mind the value of the bevel works in sync with the size of your model, so if the size of your console is too small or too big, that will reflect on the value you need to input on the modifier.

    2 loves
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    The problem was solved and I realized I was making the same mistake again. Yes, it was a problem caused by double corners. I will remember this solution for the rest of my life, thank you :D

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