Hmm… Trying to get that “Node Wrangler” but I’m having issues: I went to “User Preferences” as instructed, and then I went...

Hmm… Trying to get that “Node Wrangler” but I’m having issues: I went to “User Preferences” as instructed, and then I went to “Add on” and I found that “Node Wrangler” was indeed checked...Anyway, the check mark is on the left side of the little strip. Unlike the right side in the video. and when I click "Save user settings" it simply doesn't appear as an option under Grease Pencil. Any advice?
  • Kent Trammell replied

    Since this video, Blender devs have tweaked a bit, like where the check mark is in the Addon UI. Also where the Node Wrangler tools appear: Currently they appear in the Node Editor’s tool panel (T hotkey, left side of window) in a “Node Wrangler” tab.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  • gauntlit replied
    Thanks. I'll take a look!