Office Hours - Jonathan's Office - Thursdays 11am (Pacific Time)

Jonathan Lampel

Hey all, I'll be starting my Discord Office Hours next Thursday (April 13th) at 11am Pacific Time. That translates to:

  • 2pm New York time
  • 7pm London time
  • 10pm Dubai time
  • 4am Sydney time

It's hard to pick a time that works for everyone, but I'll also record the session for anyone that can't make it live.

Have a question for me? Post it below! 

Active CG Cookie members get first priority, but we're happy to help out anyone. For more information about Office Hours, check out Amber's recent blog post: 

  • Worth it!
7 loves
  • sheila5 replied

    Lol Omar 

    ps I've deleted the file on drive now. next step is getting the same result as Jonathan does with the head 

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    I definitely agree with Omar sheila5 , that is quite an achievement; I saw the mess you made and thought: if Omar can't help, I'll have a go, but I've made messes like that myself (usually moving Verts around in one area and not realising that there still are other Vertices selected (out of view)) and they can be really hard to repair.

    Well done!

    1 love
  • sheila5 replied

    Thanks Martin, Omar tried to help but discord did everything to prevent it. No sound at first  then no image and finally a slideshow with a minute in between the still frames so I missed all the steps 😂

    I used the hide method to try to isolate the affected area as much as possible. 

    • 🤘
  • Wes Burke replied

    Hey everyone, 

    This is the last week for Office Hours

    For the past few months, CG Cookie’s team of instructors has made themselves available to have an open mic to answer questions from our community, and it’s been a lot of fun. So many exciting projects and questions from the community. ❤️

    As this experiment ends this week, please join me in a massive thank you to the instructors for making themselves available, sometimes at odd hours, to help elevate those in the community. If they were helpful to you, please let it be known below. 

    We’re passionate about helping you make cool stuff with Blender and will continue to innovate and evolve ways we can mentor and help those also looking to wield the power of Blender. 

    If you did participate in Office Hours, we’d love to hear from you either below or by answering a few quick questions below. 

    Submit your Office Hours feedback - 

    Thanks again and happy Blending! 

    Wes Burke

    Founder, CG Cookie