This thread is headquarters for everything that happens with COLLAB2022 before production officially starts August 1st
For more active, casual chatting about the project please join the Discord.
The WHITE REPLIES in this thread detail important information. Please ask questions if anything is unclear!
**Information is subject to evolve as the project nears that start date.
If you like BIG ROBOTS 🤖 please watch this "elevator pitch" video for a basic overview of the project! Sorry, I know 15 minutes makes this the longest elevator ride in history...1.75X speed is your friend.
Collab 2022 is a return to a modeling-centric team project. Here's the main points:
The Collab period will span 2 months in the summer (9 weeks) and will be divided into 3 stages:
This year we’re implementing an application process instead of open registration like in 2021. My goal is to develop a committed and more refined team.
The main reason for limiting the team’s size is that last year I was way over my head trying to give direct feedback each week to 100+ people. In fact I considered calling off the whole thing during week 2 but Wes talked me off the ledge and Lampel joined as co-director.
In addition to facilitating a realistic instructor capacity, this application is also designed to promote commitment over curiosity. Last year started with 133 registrations which dwindled to 80 actually submitting completed work. Going forward we want to see less falloff and more commitment to the end of these projects.
**Of course we know real life takes priority. Emergency or anything else taking a team member’s availability is completely understandable. We just ask that availability is considered prior to applying with lack of availability communicated rather than simply disappearing.
So my goal is a team of 30 artists that includes all skill levels. There will be a certain number of spots available for beginners, intermediates, and advanced Blender artists. For now lets say 10 of each but those numbers are subject to change.
If you’re interested in applying, please FILL OUT THIS FORM or click the big button below!
Obviously with an application process there will be applicants awarded participation and applicants denied participation. As interest in Collabs continues to grow each year, it would be a bummer if we get 100 or even 200 applications only to accept 30. We’ve already received 33 applications and it’s only day 2 of accepting them.
So we’ve been brainstorming an alternative that would allow more people to participate outside of the 30.
Let’s call the 30, Core Team. Core Team represents the usual kind of collab participation from previous projects:
The critical item in this list that requires me to limit participation to 30 is the direct feedback + grading. This takes significant time and effort to give meaningful feedback each week. However, I’ve learned that not everyone needs the same level of feedback to successfully contribute high-quality work. Several contributors in 2021 hardly spoke but submitted amazing work nonetheless.
So the new idea this year is that we introduce a second level of participation called Shell Team. It’s the same list as above minus weekly grading + feedback:
In a way, Core Team is probably better for beginners and intermediates who are a bit more lost without instructor feedback each week. Perhaps they’re not as confident in their skills or quality level and need to be directed explicitly.
Whereas Shell Team is probably better for self-motivated, resilient, resourceful contributors who can learn from feedback given to others and apply those principles to their own work. This could mean higher-level intermediates and advanced artists who have confidence to achieve the project’s quality standard without needing explicit direction.
This Shell Team idea is new and tricky for me to explain so I imagine it’s also hard to understand as well. Let’s try some hypothetical Q&A for clarification:
I’m sure some of you reading this just checked out, and that’s OK. In fact, that’s by design. If you didn’t check out, you’re the type we’re interested in: The Invested.
Here’s a few key reasons we’re requiring membership for both participation levels:
This will not be the case for Collabs. We are committed to seeing them succeed to their highest potential. Such success depends on an invested community.
Trust me, I love that Collab2021’s credit sequence was 8 minutes long! And the more people that celebrate as a team on premiere day - that’s amazing. The more the merrier!
Yet if no one wants to participate on Shell Team, that’s OK, the project isn’t threatened.
Thank for posting this! It helped to answer some of my questions. I love how ya'll set it up with the Core Team and the Shell Team. I honestly wouldn't mind being on the Shell Team but I don't feel like I'm qualified yet. I'm still relatively new to Blender and still need help and direction.
wendy10698 I'm glad the Core and Shell Team is making sense! Today I started reviewing applications and emailing people. Just sent you one, in fact.
I've added 3 playlists that are relevant to anyone wanting to prepare for this project:
wendy10698 asked a great question:
Is it beneficial for me to be watching through the live feeds of the last project?
Yes, generally I think it's beneficial to watch the stream recordings from the previous collab. It's a LOT to watch so I recommend 1.5x speed (or higher) BUT it will give you a much better idea of what's involved and the key protocol concepts.
Team leadership will essentially be the same, aside from the pre-production and post production weeks in the schedule, but it's possible that the core of our communication will not take place here in the forum. Wes has offered Basecamp for this purpose, which is the project management solution we use internally. Those details are still being worked out BUT the concepts will essentially be the same: WIP threads for each contributor, Main communication thread, etc. They'll simply be executed a little differently this time around.
I was watching one of the casual streams and it mentioned this tutorial.
It was talking about basically modeling the asset twice so you can bake that high detail onto a low poly mesh. (At least I think that's what it was saying) I wanted to watch this course to try and get a better understanding of it. But the course isn't complete because I guess it wasn't very popular so it just kind of fell through the cracks. Would it still be beneficial to watch this course? Is this the method we'll be using for the robot?
(side note: I can't get tagging to work) spikeyxxx (testing)
It worked for Spikey but not for Kent.
wendy10698 Honestly I'm still R&D'ing to decide on workflow specifics. I don't think we will go for the double-retopo method for maximum game-ready assets. Since that involves baking textures and I'm trying to avoid group-texture syncing this year....but wouldn't it be cool if the final model was optimized for Eevee in that way... 🤔
I still have 4 months to decide BUT it wouldn't hurt to watch that course regardless. It wasn't terribly popular but I'm still proud of the high-fidelity workflow that was inspired my AAA game graphics like Halo 5/infinite.
Also I was indeed tagged by your post. Oddly it doesn't display with orange color-coding (because I don't technically have a cgcookie account but rather a mavenseed admin account) while cgcookie account usernames do display color-coded. Just rest assured I am being tagged.
PS: Consider joining our discord channel for casual chatting about Collab2022!
Ok. I'm on discord but am still learning how it works exactly.... (Also, sorry if I tagged you like 20 times....) >.<
wendy10698 and @wesburke tagging doesn't seem to work always yet: I didn't get a Notification for that testing Tag you (Wendy) did in above post.
spikeyxxx You said you DIDN'T get tagged? It showed you as tagged on my end. Must be a Mavenseed bug.
wendy10698 must indeed be a leftover Mavenseed bug :)
That's why I also tagged Big W.
This second time I did get a Notification 🙂
(And both times my nickname showed orange..)
Do the Discord invites expire? I tried to jump on #collab2022 just now and am being told I do not have permission.
Solved!! Just needed to agree to terms