I'm currently working through the Fundamentals of Lighting Course and there's a recommendation to create a community progress thread. So here we go.
I'll start by posting a few recent works, and take it from there.
Been a while since I posted in here. I still practice a bit every day, though I've been in kinda limbo mode between finishing the Fundamentals workflow, and taking courses that peak my interest.
I've decided to take a slightly deeper dive into procedural textures before attempting the homework. Currently, working through some of the shader forge tutorials, and watching some youtube videos.
I've also taken up a couple of the character modelling courses. Started with the old pilot course a month or so ago, but also decided to work on the Wrangler character concurrently, as it was highly recommended by beefkeef . So far so good I think...
I love seeing the Wrangler - what a great character! It's definitely taking shape 👍
I've not done the pilot course, but it looks more like polygon modelling right? How is the difference between sculpting and modelling that way ?
Thanks beefkeef . The author for the pilot course does a pretty lengthy block-in, using the skin modifier + poly-modeling. Its a bit tedious in places, but interesting to see a different approach. He does switch to sculpting in the next section, so I'll have to see how it goes, and whether the heavy setup was worth it.
Sculpted the face and hands for the pilot.. Not sure how to gauge my work vs the instructors, his obviously has significantly better forms, but I think that mine is turning out decent for someone fairly new to sculpting.
Completed the next level of refinement for the Wrangler course. I've been following along with Kents general workflow without copying everything he does step by step, so there are some discrepancies, but I'm fairly happy with my results so far.
Everything shiny and wet on this particular Wrangler. He must have gotten out the pool.
Anyway, the sculpt looks fantastic and well done. 👍
Thanks euv . I tend to go a little heavy on the smooth brush, even for WIPs, as the jaggy's on sculpts bug me for some reason... There's still one level of refinement to go, so the beard will get a little spikier if nothing else.
Nicely done! This is really coming along now 👍
I think it's good not to copy exactly 1:1 in the tutorial, as it's more about learning the techniques for yourself which you are clearly grasping!
Another update on the pilot course. Took a bit of work to get things looking half-decent, but I am fairly happy with the results so far. I found the multi-res sculpting on the sweater to be a lot of fun... and the multi-res sculpting on the pants to be... well, challenging.
And another one on the Wrangler. Had a bit more difficulty with these steps, but after a lot of trial and error, things started to look okay. I got a little carried away playing around with the hands, they might not be very close reproductions of Kents work, but I feel they turned out alright nontheless. Shirt maybe looks a little plasticine-like, not quite feeling like cloth, but oh well.
Decided I wasn't quite happy with the hands on the Wrangler... tried to make the fingers a bit more bulbous, and shrunk the inside of the wrists a bit. Felt like he was getting a bit of a popeye thing before
Yea they look much better! Definitely more "sausagey" is the way to go with those fingers. I think it helps keep that stylized feel to the model!
Decided to just plow through and finish the Wrangler course, as the pilot is still only about halfway done. Just trying out some final looks before posting in the gallery. I'm quite happy with the result. The hair was a little tricky, but the rest worked out quite well.
I like the look of the wrangler's hat. It has a rock-clay texture feel. The overall textures are also nice.
You did a wonderful job on the wrangler.
A couple more.
And that'll do it for the Wrangler course. Fun course, learned a bit about sculpting clothing, hair, and separating up a (slightly) larger sculpt. Thanks beefkeef for the suggestion, and of course @theluthier for the instruction.
How cool is that! No matter how often I see this character, his tiny little boots always make me laugh 😅 I think you did a great job with the hair, it's always a tricky one to sculpt.
You've really nailed this jammingammon and the skills you've learned from Kent should really help you in your next sculpting projects! 👍