Limiting splash area for fluid simulation?

Hey there I have a burst pipe simulation I need to do for a client but I need the splash on the ground limited to here in this first image.

But it’s spreading out too far to the domain edges and filling up.

Is there someway to limit the splash on the ground?

Thanks in advance

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    You could either subtly curve the ground so that it naturally forms more of a puddle if that's what you need, or if you want to get rid of the liquid going outside then you can create a circle around the area, make it a flow object, and set it to outflow. 

  • adrian replied

    Here as a demo I added a cube and deleted the top face, set it to outflow and enabled Is planar

    A circle or cylinder would work better in your case.

  • Ross Franks(rfranks) replied

    Ok thanks guys, very helpful.