This is for the accessories team. Item F (Vase B) Very basic blockout for now, but I will have more time this week for more detail.
noonespecific That's a good start and welcome to the team 😀!
Can I tag this as your
Homework Submission - Week1 - Vase B
since the next livestream is already tomorrow here?
I would just slightly bevel (with only one segment) hard edges as at the top rim of the vase so that it doesn't look like razor-sharp. Also a an additional loop cut through the loop of bigger faces directly below the narrow bulge (with a slight fattening (Alt + S)) would give a smoother result. You can also turn on "Smooth Shading" in combination with "Auto Smooth" (in the "Normals" panel of the "Object Data Properties Tab" of the "Properties Editor").
noonespecific Thank you for submitting the camera data 😀. It must just read "50 mm focal length" instead of "view angle".
Just a quick reminder. We still need a name for our team? What's your vote?
1) Shabby Chic
2) All Access(ories)
3) Shabby Fresnel Chic
4) The Stan Dalones
Nice job on the container. I’m curious what will go in that one, perhaps cinnamon or paprika.
I haven't thought about it! It looks like it could be cinnamon, paprika, or even turmeric! I appreciate your thinking about that. That helps me envision the object better, thinking about the real world materials involved.
Excellent blockout noonespecific. Very authentic to the art! You've earned full points from me 👍
For week 2 I recommend following the workflow from the stream on Tuesday. It's particularly relevant to this kind of cylindrical-based shape. You'll have fun adding sculpt accents!
Congratulations to full points, noonespecific! I'm looking forward to the sculpted version of your vase 😀!
Thank you! I really appreciate your support :D These last couple weeks have been very busy, but I'm about to sign a new lease and I've completed on boarding documents for a new job and now that stuff is taken care of I will have more time to work on this for the next couple weeks.
Looks great noonespecific! I don't have any constructive feedback to offer...this will bake beautifully. Keep up the good work!
Unfortunately, Time was far too limited this week, so I've only been able to wrestle with the normal baking process, and I'm not happy with it right now, but I'll keep updating it throughout the week
noonespecific Thank you for your dedication 😀! And don't worry, this week is a buffer week so that there's still time left until Sunday midnight.