This is my thread showing my humble progress thorugouht this collaboration project.
splat21 that is a very interesting way of viewing the importance of the vase and each asset in that respect. I see your point here, I have to agree with
duerer about the way you have described the spice vendors routine. After seeing yesterdays stream, especially towards the end where Kent was brining bit by bit new finished assets, I can see how we can all contribute in bringing life to Vadims artwork.
Hi @theluthier & duerer , I have finally managed to work out the baking process properly. I had to re-do the work form scratch twice and had probably 3-4 goes at the baking process of the materials. I got confused because I was using multiple textures to create the final finish of the vase. I think right now I got the balance right. I hope this model will be good enough to make it on the final project. Can you please have a look at the 3D model to see how I can improve it? or is the detail reasonable for the job?
Also, is it OK that I have used nodes instead of textures and sculpting to create the spice? or do I need to bake that too?
Thank you and I am looking forward to your reply.
ssimonsez11 That's looking great 😀👍! I would just add two additional loop cuts in order reshape the mid-section of your vase rounder:
I think that @theluthier wants all textures to be baken, even if they have been created procedurally. Since the spice cone has no complicated topology a "Bump Map" which could be a greyscale version of the "Color Texture" is enough for redirecting the normals. But I would ask @theluthier for a final word if he would accept your solution with the node setup and "Procedural Textures".
ssimonsez11 This model is fantastic. I love the texture quality in the porous clay to the glazed area and the granular spice in the pottery. Your attention to detail is sublime.
Hi duerer , thank you very much for the reply. I am just "scared" that by adding a few loops it will mess up the unwrap and then I have to start form scratch again.
on the other are right :) it does need a few loops added
Hi ullreym thank you for your kind comments. I do try my best to get all the details right. but as with everything in life, there is much to be improved on.
@simonsez I've added one loop cut and scaled it slightly up ("Median Point" as pivot point). The UV map autmatically updates the added loop cut:
Don't worry, as long as you don't deform the mesh too much, this won't mess up the textures on your object 🙂!
duerer that is awesome. thanks for looking into this. I have already give it a go and it does improve the model a lot 👍
@theluthier thanks a lot for the casual stream you did yesterday. It was extremley helpful. my main issue with my model was how to combine multiple texture finishes in a very simplified method. your suggestion with the Separate RGB node was pricelesss. I have tried it out on my model and I am super happy with it. I will concentrate now on doing the same to the spice.
I think this is becoming to be almost a daily thing for me now. this is ANOTHER from scratch modelled vase C (I think this is now at rev3-ish). Anyway, I have decided to add some cracks on the main surface, not just chips off the edges. The only thing left now is to do the combine of all the textures as per Kent's last casual video.
Wow 👍! You're really becoming a "Vase Expert" 😀! I would just give the cracks a slightly different color. Are these cracks supposed to be just a surface damage of the glaze or the result of a repaired broken vase?
duerer . Thank you for your comment. They are supposed to be surface damages. but after doing all the work and uploading it, I have realised that the base of the vase was wrong at sculpting and transferred to the low poly version. It bugged me soo much that I decided a few hours ago to start AGAIN :( I'm at rev 4 right now from scratch again. I think I am all vased-up
Hi @theluthier & duerer I have submitted and uploaded my final revision of the asset. I have done quite a few models from scratch until now, I think this one is the best so far. Could I have done better? most probably. But considering that there isn't a lot of time left and this asset is not going to be seen up close, I think this should be good enough. I am looking forward to any feedback you might have.
duerer , I have taken your comment on board regarding the colour difference at the cracked areas, I have done my best on that, but I think if I gave it another go and took some proper reference pictures, then it could look a lot better. on a more positive note, I have to admit that by re-doing all the steps again from scratch, I have learned a little bit more every time. So, in the end I guess it was worth it :)
I love the glaze! It looks a lot like the salt glaze that is common on stoneware. 😍
Thanks spikeyxxx & @lexicolopolis for your comments. It has been quite a mini project for me. This was re-done so many times, that I'm dreaming vases now 🙂. I was thinking maybe to add the CG cookie logo somewhere inside, or have the logo engraved like cracks. Dunno yet.
I'm dreaming vases now
LOL, I know what you mean, I am dreaming of grass...(and no, that is not something I did anyway....just because I'm Dutch...)
Nice idea with the logo.
ssimonsez11 You did an incredible job 😀👍! I very much like your finished vase 😊!