Saving the file.

I get that you have to use the Viewport Render Animation instead of the normal render options and I can do that and get the animation I want from that window. But how do I save it to mp4? It seems like It's just a preview. I can't find any option to output it. It looks like I could save individual images and do it frame by frame then put them together in a video editing software but that sounds really tedious. There must be a better way.

  • Cannon Raymond(stickdonkey) replied

    Go to Output Properties and change your file format to FFmpeg video.

    Then Chancge the Encoding container to MPEG-4, In the Video drop down switch your Video Codec to H.264

    The last 2 settings will just be for quality so you can change that to whatever you want.

    I would Recomend Keeping the Keyframe intervals to about half of your fps.

    If you want to automatically save your Mp4 change the  - /tmp\ -  to your file location. You can also just click the file button.

    Hope This helps!

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi there

    The full explanation for that is here.

    Hope that helps.